Презентация к уроку по теме "Идеальный сосед"

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Категория материала: Презентации

Данная презентация поможет в проведении урока в 10м классе по теме "Мой идеальный сосед". Презентация отражает основные цели и задачи урока, а также содержит в себе основную лексику по теме.

Кроме того, данный урок предполагает проведение коммуникативной игры, материалы (карточки) для которой приведены ниже. Необходимо раздать карточку каждому учащемуся с написанной там характеристикой. Учащимся необходимо опросить каждого присутствующего и найти себе идеального соседа. 

You get up early - at about 7 o’clock and go to bed early – at about 10 o’clock

You don’t smoke or drink.

You like a quiet life. You read a lot but never watch TV.

You play the violin and like classical music. You often play the violin during the day.

You are a very tidy person and clean the house every day.





Interview each other and find your ideal flat mate with the same lifestyle!

You get up early and go to bed early. You usually go to bed at about 10.30 pm and get up at 7 o’clock.

You like eating and drinking and cook a lot of large meals.

You smoke but you want to give it up.

You have an active social life and you go out most evenings.

You like pop music and you play the guitar. You practice a lot during the day.

You are a tidy person and clean the house every day.


Interview each other and find your ideal flat mate with the same lifestyle!

You get up late – at about 10 or 11 o’clock and go to bed late – about 1 o’clock or 2 o’clock in the morning.

You are a heavy smoker.

You have a lot of friends and a busy social life. You invite people to your house a lot and often give parties.

You are very untidy and don’t clean the house very often.

You love animals and have a cat.




Interview each other and find your ideal flat mate with the same lifestyle!

You work at night so you sleep during the day. You go to bed at about 7 o’clock in the morning and usually get up at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

You are a heavy smoker.

You have a lot of friends and invite them round in the evenings.

You play the trumpet and belong to a jazz group. You sometimes practice together in the evenings.

You are a tidy person and clean the house every day.


Interview each other and find your ideal flat mate with the same lifestyle!

You get up early and go to bed early. You usually get up at about 7.30 and are always in bed by 11 o’clock.

You are a heavy smoker, but you are on a diet so you don’t eat very much.

You like a quiet life and you spend a lot of time alone.

You often watch TV in the evenings.

You are very untidy – you don’t clean the house very often and sometimes you don’t’ wash up for two or three days!


Interview each other and find your ideal flat mate with the same lifestyle!

You are a vegetarian and don’t eat meat.

You work very hard – you write books and work at home. You often work late at night and type until 2 o’clock or 3 o’clock in the morning.

You like a quiet life – you can’t work with a lot of people in the house.

You are a heavy smoker.

You are very untidy and never clean the house.



Interview each other and find your ideal flat mate with the same lifestyle!

Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (pptx)
Размер: 308.16 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 10
Просмотров: 82

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