Презентация к уроку в 11 классе по теме «Wonders of the world»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

План-конспект урока  в 11 «а» классе по теме «Wondersoftheworld»

Учитель МБОУ «СОШ № 12» г. Элиста – Убушаева Г.Н.

“Wonders will never cease”

(Sir Henry Bate Dudley: letter to Garric, Sept. 13,1776)

Тип урока : комбинированный

Цели урока:

1.      Повышение  мотивации учащихся в изучении английского языка посредством связи процесса изучения языка с реальной жизненной ситуацией

2.      Дать учащимся знания о некоторых уникальных природных шедеврах с использованием возможности интернета



1.      Повторить пройденные и изучить новые лексические единицы в соответствии с темой урока и использовать эти единицы в коммуникативных целях;

2.      Совершенствовать навыки учащихся в четырех видах речевой деятельности: в области чтения, письма, говорения, аудирования;

3.      Расширить кругозор учащихся;

4.      Использовать межпредметные связи и развивать социокультурную компетенцию в обучении иностранного языка на данном уроке.


1.      Развивать познавательные и творческие навыки учащихся;

2.      Развивать умение учащихся самостоятельно конструировать знания;

3.      Развивать умение учащихся анализировать и подводить итоги;

4.      Развивать социокультурную компетенцию


1.      Воспитывать личностные качества учащихся, например, уверенность при ответе, умение отстаивать свою точку зрения;

2.      Стимулировать интерес учащихся к учебному процессу, в частности к изучению английского языка;

3.      Способствовать максимальному проявлению творческих способностей учащихся.

Оборудование урока: компьютер, интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор.


Источники: ресурсы сети Интернет: интерактивная лекция « Гора Эверест» http://www/brainpop.com/ ( веб- сайт образовательного проекта « BrainPOP», аудиотекст), УМК English-XI (О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева-Просвещение, 2012.)

Ход урока

Организационный момент ( приветствие, определение настроения учащихся, сообщение целей и задач урока)-1мин. (T-CL)

Teacher: Good morning!

Pupils: Good morning!

Teacher: Glad to see you/ How are you?

Pupils: Fine, thank you. And you?

Teacher: I’m OK too. Today our task is to get acquainted with some other natural wonders of the world using multimedia technologies. I know that you have already learnt about some of them, so we will revise it again. I hope our lesson will be useful and entertaining. So, let’s start.

1.Warming up ( T-CL)-2 мин.

Teacher: Firstly, let’s find out what the word “wonder” means?

Wonder is a feeling of strangeness, surprise usually combined with  admiration, that is produced by something unusually fine or beautiful, or something unexpected or new to one’s experience.

( слайд 2, презентация)

2.Phonetic jerk – 2 мин.

Teacher: Let’s revise the pronunciation of the names of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.(слайд 3, презентация)

1.The Pyramids [′pirәmid]

2.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon [′hæŋІŋ ′ga:dәnzәv′bæbilәn]

3.The Statue of Zeus at Olympia [′stætju: әvzju:sәtәlimpiә]

4.The Colossus of Rhodes [kә′losәsәvrәudz]

5.The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus [mo:sәliәm]

6.The Lighthouse at Alexandria [′laithausәtælig′zandriә]

7.The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus [′templәva:timisәt′efәsәs]

I. Listening comprehension – 6 мин.

Teacher: There are a lot of interesting facts about Ancient Wonders of the World. Look at the statements on the board, read the statements, listen to the text and say if the statements are true, false or not mentioned in the text.( слайд 4, презентация)

1.      The wonders of the ancient world were created to attract tourists from Ancient Greece.

2.      It was necessary for people from the Middle Ages to see the Seven Wonders.

3.      The list which contains the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was made in Ancient Greece.

4.      Nowadays people can see only one wonder of those seven.

5.      The archaeologists are not quite sure that the Hanging Gardens really existed.

6.      The Mausoleum of Maussollos was about 140 feet high.

7.      The English word mausoleum originated from the first name of a king.

II. Acquaintance with the seven natural wonders of the world (знакомствоссемьючудесамиприроды) (слайд 5, презентация) – 1 мин.

Teacher: There are many magnificent places on the Earth with origins that sometimes can’t be explained. The more we look around us, the more wonders we see in the world. I offer you my list of such natural wonders:

1.      Grand Canyon ( Northwest Arizona, the USA).

2.      Great Barrier Reef ( the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia).

3.      Valley of Geysers ( Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia)

4.      Mount Everest ( on the border  of Tibet and Nepal, in the central Himalayas).

5.      Aurora ( in both hemispheres of the Earth, in its upper atmosphere).

6.      Paricutin volcano ( Paricutin village, Mexico).

7.      Victoria Falls ( on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe).

III. Studying new material (T – CL)

1.      The interactive lecture “Mount Everest), (интерактивнаялекция « ГораЭверест»), (слайд 6, презентация – 10 мин.)

Teacher: Now we’ll listen to our interactive guides Tim and Moby who will tell us about the highest mountain in the world Everest, its location, shape, origin, the first people who climbed it, etc. While watching the flash about Everest, pay attention to the details as you are supposed to answer some questions.

2.      Matchthewords: Dictionarycorner ( упражнение на установление  соответствий выражений их значениям).  (слайд 7, презентация – 3мин.)

Teacher: We’ll begin with the revision of some words and phrases. Your task is to match the given words with their similar meanings using the interactive board.

Glacier – a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley.

Collision– an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions.

Sacred – very important or greatly respected.

Mantle – something that covers, hides or surrounds something else.

Sherpa– an ethnic group who lived in the Himalayas for centuries.

Expedition – a long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous or unfamiliar place or the people that make this journey.

Avalanche – a large mass of snow, ice and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain.

Summit – the highest point of a hill or mountain.

3.      Answer the following questions (слайд 8, презентация)

·         What is the height of Everest above sea level?

·         Where is it located?

·         What shape is the mountain?

·         When did Everest begin to form?

·         How did it form?

·         What are the biggest dangers of climbing Everest?

·         Who are Sherpas?

·         Why didn’t Sherpas try to climb Everest until 20-th century?

·         Who were the first people succeeded in reaching the summit of Everest?

·         What were the reasons of their success?

IV. Reading the authentic text “New seven wonders of the world” (чтениеаутентичноготекста), (слайд 9, презентация)

Teacher: Pupils, open your books, page 132. You are to read the text and complete it with the missing phrases.

1)f; 2)d; 3)b; 4)g; 5)a; 6)c; 7)e;

Exercises for eyes – 1 min.

V. Multimedia presentations about other natural wonders.(выступления учащихся с мультимедийными презентациями о чудесах природы) – 6 мин.

Teacher: During the lesson we’ve learnt a lot of information about the natural wonders of our planet, but according to above mentioned map, you are supposed to tell us about other wonders of the world. So it’s your turn to tell us your wonders of the world and then we’ll discuss your reports.

VI. Totals – 2мин.

Teacher: Thank you very much for the lesson. Today we have learnt about seven natural wonders of the world. You also worked with multimedia technologies including inter active board. You have done various assignments, which, I think, enlarge your vocabulary, develop your practical skills. So take care of our nature, get surprise at the beauty of our world.

VII. Home assignment – 1 мин. ( слайд 10, презентация)


Teacher: Your homework is to write an essay “Wonders of my native place”.

Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (pptx)
Размер: 480.02 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 16
Просмотров: 117

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