Презентация по английского языка на тему "What is ypur mother like?" (5 класс)
Предмет: | Иностранные языки |
Категория материала: | Презентации |
Автор: |
Яхияров Алимжан Имаржанович
The procedure of the lesson:
Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті
Оқушылардың іс-әрекеті
I Organization moment.
-Good morning dear students!
-How are you?
-I’m very well, thank you! Sit down, please.
-Who is on duty today?
-What date is it today?
-What day is it today?
Right you are! And now boys and girls, please come to the blackboard and take letters in the box. (Қорап ішінде “A,B,C” әріптері бар сол әріптерді алуына байланысты оқушылар 3 топқа бөлінеді).
-Good morning teacher!
-We are fine, thank you. And you?
-We are on duty today.
-It is the 22nd of October today.
-It is Wednesday today.
II Warm-up
-Boys and girls we are going to listen and sing an interesting alphabet song, please be active!
“In my family”
Pupils listen and sing along song.
III Checking-up home task:
Exercise 16. Write. To ask and answer the questions: “What’s this?” and “Whose thing is this?” using exercise 3 at page 58.
What is this? It’s a shirt.
Whose shirt is this? This is Mr. Evans’ shirt.
What is this? It’s a skirt.
Whose skirt is this? This is Carol’s skirt.
What is this? It’s a dress.
Whose dress is this? This is Mrs. Evans’ dress.
What are these? These are jeans.
Whose jeans are these? These are Colin’s jeans.
What are these? These are roller skates.
Whose roller skates are these? These are Carol’s roller skates.
What are these? These are socks.
Whose socks are these? These are Colin’s socks.
Pupils show their home work and do this exercise orally.
IV. Presentation
Children, write down today’s date and our theme “What’s your mother like?”
- How do you say mother in Kazakh?
-And the question “What is your mother like?” means “I don’t know your mother. Please tell me about your mother.” To answer this question we need to know new words.
Explain them new words with pictures.
New words
1) Beautiful [ ˈbjuːtəfʊl ]- сұлу, әдемі
2) Nice [ naɪs ]- әдемі, тамаша
3) Handsome [ˈhænsəm]- әдемі, сұлу
4) Tall [ tɔːl ]- биік, ұзын бойлы
5) Short [ ʃɔːt]- қысқа
6) Fat [ fæt ] – толық, семіз, майлы
7) Thin [θɪn ]- жіңішке, арық
8) Strict [ strɪkt ]- қатал
9) Kind [ kaɪnd]-жомарт, ақ көңіл
10) Long [lɒŋ]-ұзын
11) Clever [ˈklɛvə ]-ақылды
12) Young [jʌŋ ]-жас
13) Old [əʊld ]-кәрі
14) Bad [bæd]-жаман
-We say «ана» in Kazakh.
Pupils understand the meaning of new words and write down to their vocabulary copybook.
V Practice
1) Exercise 2. At this exercise children, you should listen to me attentively.
Carol: What’s your mother’s name?
Asel: Alma
Carol: Oh, a good name. How old is she?
Asel: She’s 36. She’s young.
Carol: What is she like?
Asel: She’s beautiful.
Carol: Is she tall?
Asel: No, she isn’t. She is not very tall.
Carol: Is she thin?
Asel: No, she isn’t. She isn’t very thin.
Carol: Is she strict?
Asel: No, she isn’t. She is kind.
-And now, everybody listen to me and repeat after me in chorus;
-Now, please read this dialogue in pairs silently for one minute.
2) Exercise 3. Listen and repeat the words in the box: beautiful, nice, handsome, tall, short, fat, thin, long, strict, kind, clever, young, old, bad.
3) Exercise 4. Listen and read the dialogue, exercise 2, p.61 silently again.
4) Exercise 5 on page 62. Оқушылар біз диалогты бір неше рет оқыдық, енді 5 жаттығуны орындау арқылы мен сіздердің диалогты түсінгендеріңді тексерейін.
a. Asel’s mother’s name is Alma
Тип материала: | Презентация Power Point (pptx) |
Размер: | 3.66 Mb |
Количество скачиваний: | 8 |