Презентация ученицы 10 класса МКОУ «СОШ№13«с.Надежда Шпаковски район Ставропольский край по теме «Визитная карточка моей страны»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
«Russia » Russia- as the word of the song. Young birch leaves. All around the forests, fields and rivers. Expanse, the Russian soul. I love you, my Russia, For the clear light of your eyes, For the mind, for the holy deeds, For voice calls as a stream, I love with all my heart I understand Steppes mysterious sadness. I love all that is called One wide word — Rus. Alexander Givental I’d like to start my presentation with the words that Russia is a really great country. Forty-two per cent of the territory of Europe and nineteen per cent of the territory of Asia is taken up by Russia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometers. Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia is comprised of 83 federal regions. Besides, territory of Russia is made up of 11 time zones. The history of Russia dates back to the 9-th century when Kiev, Vladimir and Novgorod were united with and formed an ancient Russia. In 988 it became a powerful Christian country. Christmas is celebrated on 7 January according to the old Julian calendar. Russia was ruled by Tsars many years.  Tsars were made ​​a great contribution to the development of the Russian Empire. European chronology, which started with a birth of Christ, was brought to Russia by Peter the Great. Moscow University was established by the Russian Empress Elizabeth I at the advice of Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov. Tsarskoselsky lyceum was founded by Emperor Alexander I In 1917 after the revolution Russia became a communist country. Many countries were united together and it was named the USSR. But in 1991 this great country was broken up and was renamed the Russian Federation. Nowadays it is governed by the President The capital of Russia is Mosсow, which was founded by Yuri Dolgorukiy. Moscow is populated by11 million people, is Europe’s largest city.  The 264-metre “Triumph Palace” in Moscow is the tallest block of flats in Europe. Its height is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Russia is populated by 142 million people. The major part of them live in the European part of the country. About seventy-five per cent of the population of Russia is made up of people of Slavic origin, such as Russians, Byelorussians and Ukrainians. Russian is the official language of the country, although more than a hundred languages are spoken in its territory.
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