Презентация ученицы 10 класса по теме регионального компонента» Мой родной город»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
Презентация «Ставрополь» выполнена Копниной Олесей ученицей 10 класса   МКОУ «СОШ№13» с. Надежда Шпаковского района Ставропольского края при изучении темы регионального компонента «Мой родной город.»    There is a lot to see in Russia, but I want to tell about my town Stavropol. It was founded on October 22, 1777 following the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774. The population of it is 412 315 people. Stavropol is the center of Stavropol Region. The name of Stavropol is formed from the Greek words stavros and polis which translated as a town of cross.     Stavropol is a historical town of the south of Russia. There you can see Fortress Wall, The Academical theater, Alexander Square with its angel, Lenin Square, St’ Andrew’s and Kazan’s Cathedral and a lot of others marvelous places… There are many beautiful old buildings in the center such as one of the oldest cinemas “October”, Bieger’s drugstore and others.    Many people like to walk in parks. We have two of them: the Central and Victory parks with interesting attractions.       We like sport. Our stadium “Dinamo” is in the center of the town. We and our guests can see football matches and athletic competitions there. We are also proud of our famous football player Roman Pavluchenco, who was born in Stavropol.    Besides, Leo Tolstoy, Lermontov and Pushkin visited our town in 19th century before their trip to the Caucasus.    Stavropol is an educational center. There are  many schools, colleges and universities. We have also 2 musical schools, an art school and an art college. Everyone can attend exciting exhibitions in galleries and museums of Stavropol. I like my town!
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