Разработка открытого интегрированного урока английский язык + информатика «Британские музеи»-

Предмет: Информатика
Категория материала: Конспекты

Разработка открытого интегрированного урока
английский язык + информатика
«Британские музеи»
преподаватель английского языка
преподаватель информатики

Тема урока: British Museums.

Тип урока: интегрированный.

Цели:     1. Разнообразие познавательной и учебной деятельности
        2. Создание атмосферы творчества
        3. Формирование навыков использования компьютерных
технологий на других учебных предметах

Задачи:     1. Совершенствовать умение работы в поисковых системах
        2. Формировать навыки разговорной речи
        3. Проконтролировать степень усвоения знаний:
        по английскому языку – понимание незнакомого текста, лексики
        по информатике – умение искать нужную информацию в
глобальной сети Интернет   
        4. Развивать познавательный интерес обучающихся

Части, блоки    Время
Организационный момент. Приветствие.
    2 мин
Проверка домашнего задания.    5 мин
Объявление темы урока.    1 мин
Работа с лексикой.    5 мин
Работа с текстом.    10 мин
Выступление учащихся с подготовленными сообщениями.    10 мин
Работа за компьютером.    7 мин
Заключение.    5 мин

Обеспечение:     1. Компьютеры с выходом в Интернет
            2. Проектор
            3. CD-диск «Художественная энциклопедия зарубежного
классического искусства»
            4. Раздаточный материал:     текст «British Museums»;
                                вопросы по теме урока.

Ход урока
I.    Организационный момент. Приветствие.
II.    Проверка домашнего задания.
преподаватель информатики

Давайте проверим домашнее задание.
Вам были предложены слова-термины понятий, используемых на уроках информатики при работе в глобальной сети Интернет.
Вот эти слова -
с помощью проектора(или используя презентацию) на экран выводятся следующие слова:
World Wide Web (WWW)
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Domain Name System (DNS)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Internet Protocol (IP)
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Internet Explorer
service provider
Необходимо правильно прочитать их, перевести и объяснить, что они означают.
III.    Объявление темы урока.
Today we are going to speak about Museums and galleries in Great Britain. Do you know museums in Great Britain? Can you name some of them?

IV.    Работа с лексикой.
Look at the blackboard and repeat the words after me.

на доске дана транскрипция следующих слов:

V.    Работа с текстом.
Read the text «British Museums».
(текст раздается каждому ученику, а также, с помощью проектора, выведен на экран)

The national museums and art galleries in London contain collections of objects of artistic, archaeological, scientific, historical and general interest. They are the British Museum, the Science Museum, the National Gallery and many others. There are national museums and art galleries in Edinburgh (Scotland), in Car tiff (Wales), in Belfast (Northern Ireland). There are also many private art collections.
    The British Museum is one of the greatest and best-known museums in the world. It was founded in 1753 by a decision of Parliament.
    The museum is divided into 11 major departments. The most outstanding are the Assyrian and Babylonian, the Egyptian, and the Greek and Roman antiquities. There are also extremely important ethnological collections including exhibit from the Pacific Islands and the Americus. African civilization is also not ably well represented. The department of Oriental Art contains valuable examples of Indian Chinese, Japanese art forms. There is a notable and priceless collection of medieval objects art from all the countries of Europe.
    The museum originally included a department of Natural History. But the first thing, which is associated with the British Museum, is its Library. It has more than six million books. The National Library has a copy of every book printed in the English Language. The British Museum is famous for its Reading Room. Many great people spent much time in the British Museum Library.

Find in the text and translate some phrases from Russian into English
художественная галерея
частная коллекция
по решению парламента
наиболее выдающиеся
римская античность
включая экспонаты
хорошо представлены
восточное искусство
ценные экземпляры
знаменитая и бесценная коллекция
средневековые предметы

Translate from the text the sentences.

Put the texts outside, fill the gaps and read the text.

The national museums and art galleries in London contain ……… of artistic, archaeological, scientific, historical and ………. They are the British Museum, the Science Museum, the National Gallery and many others. There are national museums and art galleries in Edinburgh (Scotland), in Cardiff (Wales), in Belfast (Northern Ireland). There are also many ………..
    The British Museum is one of the greatest and ………. in the world. It was founded in 1753 by a ………. of Parliament.
    The museum is divided into ……… departments. The most outstanding are the Assyrian and Babylonian, the Egyptian, and the Greek and Roman antiquities. There are also extremely important ethnological collections including ……… from the Pacific Islands and the Americus. African civilization is also notably well represented. The department of ………. contains valuable examples of Indian Chinese, Japanese art forms. There is ……… collection of ……… objects art from all the countries of Europe.
    The museum originally ………. a department of Natural History. But the first thing, which is associated with the British Museum, is its ………. It has more than ………. books. The National Library has a copy of every book printed in the ……….. The British Museum is famous for its Reading Room. Many great people spent much time in the British Museum Library.

VI.    Выступление учащихся с подготовленными сообщениями.
Let’s check your homework.
(учащиеся выступают с сообщениями; на экране через проектор выведены незнакомые английские слова с переводом)
1 сообщение. 
    The idea of the Tate Gallery took shape in 1890. In that year Henry Tate’s gift of sixty-five paintings and two sculptures, almost all of them the work of Victorian contemporaries, was offered to the nation, but a gallery had still to be built to house them. When opened seven years later the Tate Gallery consisted of eight rooms and was intended as a collection of contemporary British painting only.
    In the intervening years the scope of the collection has been transformed as well as enlarged. Instead of being a collection of nineteenth-century British painting it has become the national collection of British painting of all periods, and in addition to this the national collection of modern foreign painting, and the national collection of modern sculpture both British and foreign.
    The growth of the building has also been impressive: the eight original galleries built by Tate have now become thirty four, including more that three hundred foot long Sculpture Gallery, and the Tate is now the largest picture gallery in the British Commonwealth.
слайд на экране

To take shape [∫eip]- появиться
To offer [‘ofe]- предлагать
To intend [in’tend]- собираться
Contemporary [ken’tempereri]- современный
in the intervening years [intenveniή]- в течение нескольких лет
to enlarge [in’la:dз]- увеличивать(ся)
instead [in’sted]- взамен
in addition on [e’di∫n]- в добавление
growth [greuθ]- взрослый
Commonwealth [‘komenwelθ]- содружество, союз

2 сообщение. 
The Museum of British Transport in Clapham, in south London, tells the story of public transport in Britain.
In    1829, an Irishman called Shillibeer started the first bus-service, in London. His bus was very different to the buses you can see in London today! It was drawn by three horses and looked very much like a large carriage. This is now the famous London double-decker buses began. The first double-decker bus was built in 1851, but the upper deck did not have a roof until about 1930. The passengers were given raincoats to put on if it started to rain!
The first trains, like the first buses, were drawn by horses, but they were not passenger-trains! They were used in mines and factories to carry materials from one place to another.
Lots of people were afraid of the railways when they first began, and tried to stop them being built. People were afraid of accidents; farmers would not let the rails be laid on their land because they said that the trains would make their animals ill. But the rails were laid and, in 1842, people had to accept them. Why? Because Queen Victoria, herself, traveled in a train from Slough to Paddington! A special railway carriage was built for Queen Victoria in 1869.
слайд на экране

•to draw-drew-drawn
•a carriage
•a petrol-engine

•a mine
•a steam-train
•to offer a prise
•to accept
•to lay-laid-laid   
•тащить, тянуть
•повозка; вагон
•бензиновый двигатель
•рудник, шахта
•получать премию

The Museum of British Transport

3 сообщение. 
The first public picture gallery in Britain was opened in 1824. It was the National Gallery. If you stand in Trafalgar Square with your face to Nelson’s Column you will see a wide horizontal front in a classical style: the National Gallery. It has been in this building since 1838.
The National Gallery is comparatively younger that the great galleries in Rome, Paris and so on. It has a wonderful collection of European painters, such Italian, Spanish, Flemish, French masters. It is famous for pictures of English painters: Gainsborough, Turner, Constable, and Reynolds.
An interesting fact is that in 1777 one of the greatest private collections of pictures was offered for sale. Some of the members of Parliament suggested that the collection should be bought for the Nation and a special gallery be built for it near the British Museum. But this suggestion found no support. In the House of Commons and the wonderful pictures were brought to Russia. They are in the Gallery of Hermitage in St.Peterburg. Now one can admire a great number of pictures by great British painters Hogarth, Constable, Turner, the portraits by Gainsborough, Reynolds who became famous the world over as well as the world’s greatest masters – Raphael, Rembrandt, Holbein, Goya and many others. Even a short visit to the gallery makes an unforgettable impression on you.
слайд на экране

The National Gallery

Offer [‘ f ] – предлагать, жертвовать
Private [‘praivit] – частный, личный
Exhibit [ig’zibit] – экспонат
Exist [ig’zist] – существовать, жить
Transfer [træns’f :] – переносить, перемещать,
Masterpiece [‘ma:st pi:s] – шедевр

“Venus and Cupid” by Diego Velazquez
“Adoration of the Shepherds” by Nicolas Poussin
“A woman Bathing” by Harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt


VII.    Работа за компьютером.
преподаватель информатики

Ваша задача – с помощью поисковых систем найти ответы на вопросы, написать их и сдать. Это будет ваша оценка по информатике за умение организовать поиск информации в сети Интернет.
Устные ответы проверит и оценит Татьяна Алексеевна.

учащимся раздаются вопросы по теме «Музеи Британии»
1.When was the British Museum founded?
2.Name the Museums of Great Britain.
3.Name the halls of the British Museum.
4. Name famous English and British painters.

VIII.    Заключение.
Давайте посмотрим некоторые работы знаменитых художников, выставленные в Лондонской Национальной галерее или просматриваем презентацию, заранее подготовленную учеником или преподавателем

(просматриваем картины с CD-диска «Художественная энциклопедия зарубежного классического искусства»)
VI. Подведение итога урока
At this lesson we have seen your projects. All of them are interesting, bright, and thoughtful. Tank you foe your work. We hope the knowledge you have got working at your projects you will use in different subjects.
VII. Объявление оценок

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