Разработка праздника во 2 классе

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

                        ABC holiday party



Dear friends, we are having ABC party today. We have learnt all letters of the English alphabet and many interesting things: rhymes, games, songs. Now you can see them. 

   We start our party with The ABC song:




Now I know the ABC

Tell me what you think of me.


Now the pupils of the 5-th form show you “A lesson of the ABC at home”.


 Mother: Well, Johnny, look at this letter! It is an A.


Johnny: How do you know that this is an A?


Mother: It is an A and this is a B.


Johnny: How do we know that this is a B, not an A?


The mother does not answer her son`s question. She puts her hands on Johnny`s ear and pulls it.


Johnny: Oh, my ear, my ear!


Mother: How do we know that this is an ear?


Johnny: It is an ear. Everybody knows that this is an ear.


Mother: Yes, my boy. And everybody knows that this is an A and this is a B.


      Mary Poppins appears: Hello, everybody! Where am I? Is it school number 3? Oh, sorry. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mary Poppins. I am a teather. I love children. Well, I heard you`ve learnt English alphabet, haven`t you?

     Pupils:Yes, we have.


Miss Poppins: Let me see. What letter comes before “R”? – “Q” 

-What letter comes after “R”?- “S”

What letter comes before “E”- “D”

What letter comes after “C”?-  “D” 

    Mary: Can you put these letters in right order? (She gives the cards with letters to pupils and they put them in the order.)

    Mary: Great!

Teacher: Our pupils can count too.

   Mary: Can they?

Teacher: Yes, they can. You`ll see now.


(pupils sing song):

One little, two little, three little fingers

Four little, five little, six little fingers

Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers

Ten little fingers on my hands.

Ten little, nine little, eight little fingers

Seven little, six little, five little fingers

Four little, three little, two little fingers

One little finger on my hand.


Mary: I see…you can count, then let`s do sums.

           How much is…: Seven plus three…is…-

                                       Five plus five……is…-

                                       Ten minus two…..is…-

                                       Six minus three….is…-


Mary: Oh, You are very clever boys and girls.

Teacher: Yes, Mary, you are right. They are very nice kids. Look!


( Pupils sing the song of Pinocchio and show what the parts of body do)

               I am a little boy (2 times)

               I am a little boy (2 times)

               My name`s Pinocchio ( 2 times)

               My name`s Pinocchio, Pinocchio.

I have a head- it`s very well.

I have a nose, so I can smell.

I have eyes, so I can see.

I have ears, so I can hear.

                I am a little boy,(2 times)

                I am a little boy (2 times)

                My name`s Pinocchio (2 times)

                My name`s Pinocchio, Pinocchio.

I have a mouth, so I can talk

I have legs, so I can walk 

I have hands, so I can clap

I have feet, so I can stamp.


Marry: Wow, it`s wonderful! Now, let`s make rhymes:

           “ Doggy, doggy, come to me

            Let us play under the ……” ( tree).


-OK,the next:

           “I have a little dog

             And it`s name is Jack

             His head is white

             And his ears are ……(black)”


-Very well:

             “I love my father

               I love my mother

               I love my sister

               And my big ……..(brother)”


-        Fine, and the last one:

          “Two little boys

            Johnny and Sam

            Sit down to have

            Some tea with ……(jam)


-        Great! You are really nice!


Teacher: Mary, they can recite poems. Would you like to see?

Mary: Sure.


Pupil : My Teddy Bear.

I always take my teddy bear

Everywhere, everywhere

In a bag with me to school

Or to the swimming pool

On a bus, or in the train

In my bed late at night

I say to him: “Good night!”


Pupil: A is for apple and apple- tree

          You can see apples in the apple-tree.


Pupil: B is for books and bookcase

           I have many books in my bookcase.


 Marry: Fine! Can you guess some riddles?:

           I am black and red, and blue

           I draw a picture for you.    (a pencil)


           I don`t know

           The ABC

            But I am writing

            As you can see.    (a pen)


Mary: Oh, dear kids, I am so happy.


Pupils: We are happy too.

 The song: If you are happy.

 If you are happy and you know it clap your hands(2 times)

 If you are happy and you know it

 and you really want to show it

 If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.


 (slap your fingers, tap your sides, stamp your feet, say “We are!”)


Mary: Thank you very much. I am glad to meet you.Goodbye!


Pupils: “We are glad to meet you too”. Bye-bye!-Bye!



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