Разработка урока английского языка для 1 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Form 1 class

Lesson Plan # 1

Theme: Hello.

Aims: 1) to teach the children how

to listen to the CD

2) to

teach hello, hi, Good morning.

3) to

teach the words – a boy, a girl, a teacher.

Equipment of the lesson: CDs and

player, the book, pictures, blackboard.

Lesson Procedure:


Warming up

- to introduce the children with the language? The

countries where people speak English, ask them where they could hear it? How

can they use it in their daily life.

- to introduce yourself (Hello, My name is…., What is your name?)

- start the lesson using Hello. Encourage the children to say Hello to you and to the other children.

II. Working

with the book

Тип материала: Документ Microsoft Word (docx)
Размер: 13.55 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 11
Просмотров: 121

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