Разработка урока по английскому языку «American Football»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

"Описание материала:

Form: 5 Teacher : G.S.Dzhakasheva Theme: American football. Aim of the lesson: To learn about American football. Objectives: To enlarge pupils knowledge about American football; to revise learnt lexical material. To develop pupils’ skills to work in pairs and in small groups; to develop pupils’ speaking, thinking and reading. To develop a sense of love for the sport. Visual aids: photos, cards, stickers, colored pens, parts of new te[ts Plan: I. Organization moment. II. Warm up. -Now we must be divided into three groups. I’ll give you scrap of paper with words. Your task is to find the people who have the continuation of the proverbs. And these people will be your team. III. Introducing the theme. - Read your proverbs again and guess about their meanings, give equivalents in your native language. - What about these proverbs? Right, the theme of our lesson is a kind of sport which is very popular in America. It’s American football. - Look at the photos and let’s have some information about it. A lot of U.S. professional football teams use names of animals, fish, or birds. These are the Miami Dolphins, the Baltimore Ravens, the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Philadelphia Eagles, the Chicago Bears, the Detroit Lions and so on. Each team has a logo on its helmets. This logo is often the animal or something representing the animal. The Philadelphia Eagles have wings on the sides of their helmets; the Miami Dolphins have a dolphin. American football teams also have specific colors. For example, the Atlanta Falcons’ colors are red, white, and black. The team uniforms use these colors. IV. Making own team. American football. -Where do people play American football? - What is it like? - Is it dangerous? Why or why not? -What are some of the team names? -What is the championship game called? - Dear, pupils. The National Football League (NFL)wants to start a new team in our town. The NFL has asked the you to give suggestions for a new team name and team colors. Vote on which name is best. - You need to decide on one animal name for the team and two or three team color Use the following model of making suggestions, giving reason, and agreeing and disagreeing. Also you need design a simple poster. The poster should have the team name at the top and the following three sentences written on it. Our team name is (Town+Animal) The (Team Name) are (adjective) and (adjective). Our colors are (color) and(color). Logo (draw it) - Suggesting.

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Размер: 18.25 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 2
Просмотров: 75

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