
Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
The  aim of the lesson :  Educational:  to  present  new   words  and expressions  concerning  on the                          theme and practice  them  in  pupils  speech, to  introduce ordinal numareals                                   and     prepositions  of  time  in  and  on,  after  and  before.   Developing :  to develop pupils oral  and  written  communication skills and  habits, to                                   improve  pronunciation  and  translation group work.   Bringing-up: to teach  children  to be  attentive , kind  and  polite,to bring up feelings  of                              friendship and  respect to  each  other.  The   equipments:  interactive board,  flipcharts, cards, illustrated  pictures,  diagram, placards.  The type of the  lesson:  getting  new information. The  methods  of  teaching:  interaction,  presentation, explanation, question-answer,individual                                                 work,pair and  group work, game “ Bingo ” warm-up.                       The  procedure  of the lesson; Organization moment:  greetings,                                          talk with pupil on duty,                                          marking  absentees. Warm –up.                           Spring  is  green,                           Summer  is  bright,                           Autumn  is  yellow,                           Winter  is  white. Checking   the  home  task:  Ex:5..p38. Our  theme  in  our  lesson  is   “  When  is   your   birthday ?  ” Now  let`s  take  new  words:          Season -   жыл мезгілі                         Autumn -  күз         Summer –   жаз                               
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