Summer holidays 6 grade

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

                                                    Demonstrative lesson.

                                        “ Summer Holidays”


Theme: Summer holidays

Aim: To make pupils speak on the theme.

Objectives:1. to revise vocabulary

                   2. to develop speaking, reading, writing, listening skills

          introduce with grammar material (to be going to do smth.)

Equipment: Student Book “Challenges”, interactive board, flash cards, pictures, tape recorder.


1.     Organization  moment:  ( greeting with the pupils, speaking about the weather and etc)

2.     Warm up.

T: Look at the photos and answer the questions.

1)    What can you see in the photos?

2)    Where are they?

3)    What are they doing?

4)    What holidays do you like?

5)    Do you like to go to a summer camp, etc

T: 1)Look at the pictures and name them.

Now you should match the word-expressions with the pictures.




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