Тема Linguistic Competition (8 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

I Прочитайте тексты (1-5) и установите их соответствия рубрикам (А-F). Каждая рубрика соответствует только одному тексту, при этом одна из них лишняя.

A. Horoscope D. Song

B. Sport E. Encyclopedia information

C. Joke F. Books

1 I sit and wait.

Does an angel contemplate my fate?

And do they know,

The place where we go

When we are grey and old?

2 - What your mother needs, Mrs Lopez, is a complete rest. I have prescribed sleeping pills.

– Very well, doctor. How should she take them?

She shouldn’t take them yourself.

3 The genre of detective stories is the most popular genre nowadays both in Britain and in Russia. Detective stories are sold in millions of copies all over the world.

4 The London underground is the oldest and busiest in the world. The platforms are much narrower and more crowded than modern underground system. There are nine underground lines. There is NO SMOKING anywhere on the London underground.

5 Scorpio are usually sensitive, intuitive and highly emotional. One of their planets is Neptune. Their colour is green. Sapphire is the most suitable stone.

II Прочитайте отрывки из нескольких рассказов и установите их соответствия между перечисленными названиями рассказов (1-5) и их героями (А-Е). Каждая из характеристик встречается только в одном тексте.

1 The main character was not 4 The main character had only

Happy about the place he lived in. brothers and no sisters.

2 The characters were animals. 5 The main character wouldn’t

3 The main character felt lonely. Play with other children.

A. The House Under the Floor.

Once a mouse family lived under the floor of play-room. There was a mother mouse and a father mouse. There was a big sister mouse called Mouskin and a baby brother mouse called Little Mouse.

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