The Discovery of America

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The Outline of the lesson

1.      Organization moment:

2.      Introduction of the grammar theme

      to write the example on the blackboard

      to explain the formation and  the usage of the   sentences

1) sea+man                 seaman
    milk+man               milkman
    police+man            policeman
    post+man                postman
   fisher+man              fisherman

2) seaman                   seamen
    milkman                  milkmen
    policeman               policemen
    postman                  postmen
    fisherman                fishermen

3) bed+room               bedroom
    time+table              timetable
    black+board           blackboard
    foot+ball                 football
    basket+ball             basketball
    air+port                   airport
    shop+girl                shopgirl

3.      Consolidation of the grammar theme

a)sea                ball
   time              board
   police           ever
   milk              mate
   cup               men
   foot              port
   what                        girl
   air                 side
   class                         table
   black            man
   shop                         board

b)Give examples with this words

4.      Doing exercises from the textbook

Ex 4 on page 310


    5.    Consolidation of the active words

   to translate the words

   to make up sentences with the words

   to complete sentences with the words

to reach  
We reached  the city at 5  o clock
to discover -to discover a land
Columbus discovered America in 1492

A discoverer-one who discovers a land
Columbus was  a great discoverer.
A discovery
Television is a very important discovery of the 20 th century
Computer is  a very important discovery of the 21 st century


a sail
There was a beautiful white sail on the boat
to sail
The ship will sail for America in two weeks
A sailor
He is a sailor

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