Разработка обобщающего урока по темам « Знакомство » и « Моя семья »

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы


Тема: Обобщающий урок по темам « Знакомство » и « Моя семья ».

Цель : Обобщить и систематизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по   развитию монологической, диалогической и устной речи.

Задачи : 1. Выработать устойчивые навыки в употреблении лексики, в говорении, понимании иноязычной речи; 2. Развивать умения и навыки устной, монологической и диалогической речи; 3. Развитие мышления, языковой догадки; 4. Воспитание у школьников чувства взаимной требовательности и ответственности за свою учебу; 5. Способствовать развитию чувства интернационализма и уважения к другим народам.

Наглядные пособия: флаги разных стран, « Bingo », Цветные карточки, картинки, карточки.


Procedure of the lesson

Before the beginning of the lesson all the students are divided into 3 groups. All of them represent different countries: Great Britain, America, and Kazakhstan and have the maps of these countries.


I.                   Optimisation of student’s knowledge and skills ( phonetic drills ).

T. Good afternoon children. I’m glad to see you.

PP.  Good afternoon. We are glad to see you too.

T. Are you ?

PP. ( smiling )We are glad to see you.

T. Happy ?

PP. We are happy to see you.

T. That’s good. Good of you. And now let’s greet each other in chorus.

              Good afternoon, Good afternoon,

              Good afternoon to you.

              Good afternoon, Good afternoon,

              I am ( we are ) glad to see you.

t. I’m very glad to see everybody: you Polina Krivenko, you Nastja Samohina… if I’m not mistaken…I’m afraid I don’t remember your surnames. Can you help me to remember them ? Now I’ve got an idea. Let’s play a ball for a change.

    - What is your surname ?

    - My surname is…

    We are boasting we know each other well. But I’m not sure. We know only each other’s first names and surnames. We don’t know where we are from.

T.- Where are you from?

   - I’m from Great Britain.

   - I’m from America.

   - I’m from Kazakhstan.

T. Oh! There are many children from different countries here.

    - Who is from Great Britain?

- We  are from Great Britain.

    - Who is from America ?

- We  are from America.

     - Who is from Kazakhstan ?

- We  are from Kazakhstan.

T. Children you worked very well.

II. Consolidation of student’s knowledge.

         But we don’t know about our children from different countries. Let’s get more information about you.

1.     One child from Great Britain come here and ask questions to the children from Kazakhstan and America. And you children answer her ( his ) questions.

-         Where are you from?

-         Where is he from?

-         Where is she  from?

-         Where are they from?

2.     One child from America wants to answer your  questions.  Please ask questions to her.

-         I am from…

-         He is from…

-         She is from…

-         They are  from…

-         We are  from…

3.     But children from Kazakhstan, that invited you are eager to tell you about themselves.

…Very nice. Good for you.

III. Listen and understand.

         Thank you children very much. But sorry to say 1 child didn’t come here but she sent us a letter. Listen to me attentively. I’ll read it for you.

         My name is Helen. I am 11. I am from Russia. I am in 5 “ B ”. I have a family: a mother, a father and a cat. My mother’s name is Linda. She is forty. My father’s name is Robert. He is forty two. My cat’s name is Dick.

There are different pictures and commenting words on the blackboard.






5 “ B ”


A mother


A father


A cat






















1.     And now listen and match the words to the pictures.

2.     And now answer my questions:

a.     What is this girl’s name?

b.     How old is she?

c.      Where is she from?

d.     Which class is she in ?

e.      Has she a family ?

f.       What is her mother’s name?

g.     How old is she ?

h.     What is her father’s name?

i.       How old is he ?

j.       What is her cat’s name?

Can you tell me about Helen, about her family. Try, please.

IV. Description of a picture ( work in groups  ).

         -There are 3 children that didn’t come here. But they sent their photos And asked you to tell us about them.

I give to every group a picture with similar family. They must describe the picture, telling some information about the names and  ages of the heroes.

         -Very nice. You described the family of these children very well and correctly. And now we can say that we really know each other. I’ve got an idea. Let’s sing a song.

                   We know each other,

                   We know each other well.

                   We know each other

We know each other well.

V. Work at the blackboard.

         -Children! I’ve written the words of this song on the blackboard. But there are some missing words here. Fill in the necessary words, please.

                   We know each other,

                   …  know each other well.

                   We  … each other

We know each other  … .

         -You have managed it. Great. It’s wonderful.

VI. Checking of the homework.

         -But children! Where is my pen? Where is my pencil? Do you know? Yes or no? By the way, do you know these words in English? …Then let’s check how you know them. Take these cards with some words. If you hear the words, that there are in your cards, cover them with coloured  papers. Be attentive.


A bike



a watch


a radio

a computer


a pen


a pencil


a book

a notebook

a camera



a rubber


a ruler

a calculator


a table


a chair

a walkman


a bag


A bike, a watch, a radio, a computer, a pen, a pencil, a book, a notebook, a camera, a rubber, a ruler, a bag, a calculator,  a table, a chair, a walkman.

         -Very good, Children! Let’s congratulate each other. Say “ Congratulations ” in chorus.

VII. Work in pairs.

         -I see that you know  these words. You can read them and translate. And now make up short dialogues using these words.

--You are the bravest. Your dialogues were very interesting for me and our guests. Do you know how many words are there in your cards? Let’s count them up to 18 and back.

         You count quickly and correctly.

         -But how many coloured cards have you got ? All right. Then show me the red card. … . Very nice.

         What colour is this card? Great. You know сolours very well.

VII. Weworkedmuchandhardtoday.А теперь ,ребята, поставьте сами себе оценки, учитывая то, насколько вы принимали участие в работе.

VII. Homework…





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