The organization of methodical escort of teachers in realization of the innovative educational technologies aimed at the development of critical thinking of pupils

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

"Описание материала:

"The organization of methodical escort of teachers in realization of the innovative educational technologies aimed at the development of critical thinking of pupils

The critical thinking is an ability to analyze information from a position of logic and personal and psychological approach to apply the received results, both to standard, and to non-standard situations, questions, problems.

It is ability to raise new questions, to develop various arguments, to make the independent, thought-over decisions.

The technology of development of critical thinking represents the complete system forming skills of work with information through reading and the letter.

It represents set of the various receptions directed on at first to interest the pupil (to awaken in him research, creative activity), then to provide it conditions for judgment of a material and, at last, to help it to generalize the acquired knowledge.

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