The Video Lesson "Sports" in the II class.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Видеоуроки

This video lesson is prepared for the II class. The theme of the lesson is "Sports". It is useful for the students to study this way.They are introduced the new words about sports in the visual way.All the periods of the lesson may be followed with the activities of different kinds. The students are introduced such words as football, volleyball, basketball which are so much used in our everyday life.They impress their feelings and thoughts if they like or don't like any kind of this sport.They are taught to appreciate the importance of going in for sports, the importance of sport in th life of people.

Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (ppt)
Размер: 3.59 Mb
Количество скачиваний: 1
Просмотров: 77

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