Урок 11 класс «Talking about family»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

 Учебник «Английский в фокусе» 11 класс, Москва, « ExpressPublishing – Просвещение»

Цель урока: совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся

Задачи урока: развитие навыков просмотрового чтения (основное понимание текста)

Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием текста (выбор нужной  информации)

Формирование и развитие языковых , речевых умений в устной речи на базе прочитанного текста



1       Pre- reading  activities


-         Good morning!  Glad to see you again . Today  we’ ll talk about the family and its role in our life . But first of all I  want to get some information about you family .

1 Do you have a big family ?

2 What members of the family do you have ?

3 How many children are there in your family ?  Who is the youngest ?

4 Do you think there are some  advantages or disadvantages in being the youngest or  the eldest ? What are they ?

5 Do you parents spend much time with you ?

6  Are you close to all members of your family?  Who are you closest to ? Why?

                 Description of the picture

p. 10 Describe the picture . How are the people related ?

 Suggested answer key

In  this picture we can see eight people – four children and four adults. It looks like two boys and two girls are brothers  and sisters and their parents and  grand parents are with them. I’m sure they are close to each other .


2       Reading  activities


Listen and read the text on p. 10 – 11

 What is this text about ?

Suggested answer:

This text is about families in different  parts of the world .

    Reading for specific information

 Ex. 2 p. 10     Now reread the text and answer the questions .

Which person / people….

1 Takumi ( Japan )

2 Cheung ( China ) , Aalia ( Jordon ) , Takumi ( Japan )

3 Cheung ( CHINA ) ,  Natasha ( Russia )

4 Aalia ( Jordon )

5 Thomos ( England )

6 Natasha ( Russia )

Ex. 3 p. 10     Match the words in bold in the text  to their meaning .

Cultural traditions – customs

Policy – scheme

Honour – good reputation

Elders – seniors

Only child – someone who has no brothers or  sisters

Dull – boring

Dropped – become less

Takes priority – is the most  important thing

Stroll – walk

Remain – continue to be

Maternal – mother’s

Hierarchy –ranking

Concept – idea

Support – help

Obey – comply with


3       Post -  reading  activity


Ex. 7 p. 11   Answer the questions . Use your  answers to tell about your family.  Ss   - S

Suggested  answer key

S1  Who’s in your immediate family?

S   My parents, a sister and  myself.

S2   Who’s in your extended family?

S  I have my grandparents,  two aunts,  six cousins, ets .


                 Class discussion

What does family mean to you?

Answer this question using the summory of the text .











5. Speaking.



    Do you agree with the quotation by Durant on p.11? Why?

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Просмотров: 128

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