Урок английского языка во 2 классе на тему "Мамин день"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


Class: 3

Theme: Mother`s day.

Aims: 1. introduce new English words . 2. develop the memory and attention. 3. grow-up a sense of love to the subject.

Type of lesson: study of the new material

Equipment: stickers, pencils, coloured papers.


1) Ұйымдастырукезеңі.

Stand up! I am glad to see you! How are you? And you?  And what about you?  Let’s start our lesson now. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Let's start our lesson.

2) Үйтапсырмасынтексеру Draw the living room.

3) Жаңасабақтытүсіндіру.

Today we have the lesson on the theme « The Mother`s Day».


Teacher: Sit down those, who will answer my question (садиться тот, кто правильно ответит на вопрос).

What is your name?

Are you Sasha?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

Who are you?

Are you seven?

Have you a sister?

How old is your sister?

What is your sister’s name?

Have you a brother?

What can you do?

Can you run?

Tell me the colours.

Teacher: Let’s play together! Name the colours of flowers. What do you think we will make today? Right you are. Today we are going to make beautiful postcards for your mothers. So, this is a postcard. Is it beautiful or not?



After your hard work, we should have a rest. Now my dear stand up and sing a song “Head and shoulders”.


Listen carefully to what I say. You need a postcard. Take coloured flowers and make a beautiful design on the frame. Your postcards are ready.

Whom are you going to give your present?

Pupils: I’d like to present this postcard. . .

 And now, please, let’s read a poem. Whowantstoread? (Хоровое и индивидуальное чтение)

Dear Mummy,

I wish you happiness and

good luck!!!

I love you !!!

From your son (daughter).


How do you like the lesson?

Thank you for the lesson. Your work was very intensive.


Write down your home task: repeat the words.

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