Урок-конкурс в 10 классе
Предмет: | Иностранные языки |
Категория материала: | Конспекты |
Автор: |
Березина Светлана Иосифовна
МОУ Коломенская средняя общеобразовательная школа
Учитель английского языка Березина Светлана Иосифовна
Урок-конкурс в 10 классе «В мире английского языка». В уроке участвуют 4-5 команд учащихся. Ответы оцениваются жюри из учащихся, 1 балл за правильный ответ, кроме рассказов о странах, где ответы оцениваются учителем.
Образовательные: обобщить знания об англоговорящих странах, используя коммуникативные задания, лексико-грамматические задания и задания по чтению.
Воспитательные: воспитание культуры общения и чувства коллективизма, воспитание любви к английскому языку
Развивающие: развитие познавательного интереса
Ход урока
1)Организационный момент
2)Речеваязарядка: вопросыобанглоговорящихстранах 1)How many English-speaking countries do you know? 2)What is the main one? 3)What are their capitals? 4)What languages do they speak? 5)Do you know any famous people of these countries? 6)Name their most important holidays and traditions? 7)What are the most famous and prominent places of the countries? 8)Can you say some words about the geographical position of some of them?
3)Соберите предложения из следующих слов
1)world, the, 5, There, English-speaking, in, are, countries.
2)a, Great, very, country, is, Britain, small.
3)Australia, Canberra, capital, is, of, the.
4)French, people, In, English, two, speak, Canada, and, languages.
5)writer, century, a, Mark, American, of, Twain, famous, was, 19th, the.
4) Выполните следующее задание по чтению.
Put the sentences of this funny story into the correct order.
An absent-minded man
A He lost them in trams, trains and shops.
B When his wife saw it, she began to laugh.
C A very busy absent-minded man often lost his umbrellas.
D “Today I shall not lose my umbrella,” he thought and put it into his bag.
E His wife always said to him, “We can’t buy umbrellas every day.”
F She said to him, “But you didn’t take any umbrella with you this morning.”
G One day the busy man saw an umbrella in the train.
5)Выполните следующее задание по грамматике.
Read the information about Schnauzer dogs. Choose the best word (A, B, C, D) for each space (1-10).
Dogs from Germany
Schnauzer dogs are strong, brave and clever. They are friendly and very (1) ----- with young children. They come from Germany, where farmers use the dogs to help (2) ----- with their sheep, and they are also used (3) ----- the police, because Schnauzer dogs are very intelligent.
There are three sizes (4) ----- Schnauzer dog.
The two smaller sizes first (5) ----- to Great Britain 55 years ago, but the Giant Schnauzer has not (6) ----- here very long. The name Giant is a good one because the dogs are 65 to 67.5 cms high.
All the dogs (7) ----- long hair. Most smaller Schnauzers (8) ----- grey or “pepper with salt” in colour. (9) ----- the Giant Schnauzer is usually black.
A Schnauzer makes (10) ----- nice family dog.
1 A bad B good C angry D unkind
2 A them B him C us D their
3 A from B by C to D with
4 A of B with C about D in
5 A came B come C comes D has come
6 A being B be C been D is
7 A has B have C had D are having
8 A were B is C are D was
9 A or B if C but D when
10 A the B a C any D an
6) Расскажите об одной из англоговорящих стран.
7)Выполните письменно следующее лексическое задание.
There are 9 sentences in the text. Find and write them down.
8)Подсчет баллов и оглашение результатов.
.Дела класса
Тип материала: | Документ Microsoft Word (docx) |
Размер: | 16.3 Kb |
Количество скачиваний: | 13 |