Пьеса A play “The tree of life”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

МОУ Коломенская средняя общеобразовательная школа

Учитель английского языка Березина Светлана Иосифовна

A play “The tree of life”

The main characters: Author, Niece, Aunt, Father, Children: Jack, Francis, Phillipa, Kingfisher, Ant, Magician, Queen and her Daughter, Doctor

Author: Once upon a time there was a magic Tree of Life in the Golden Palace. Lots of wonderful apples grew on it. People from all over the world wanted to get an apple from that tree because they believed those fruit could make them healthy, wealthy and happy. And what they realized at the moment they got an apple? The Tree of Life isn’t in the Golden Palace. It’s inside us. And the apples are bravery, kindness, honesty, friendship and other values which help us to be healthy, wealthy and happy.

Niece: Aunt Polly, write us a new tale.

Aunt: Oh, no, I’ve written dozens of tales already.

Niece: Please, please…

Aunt: Maybe some day.

Niece: But I want it today.

Aunt: OK. I’ll write it in 20 minutes.

Niece: Hurray!

Aunt: And now leave me alone.

Once upon a time there lived…a rich man. And he had 3 children: Jack, Francis, Phillipa…


Father: Oh, my poor children! How shall we live without our mother?

Francis: Father, I am hungry.

Phillipa: Have we got anything to eat?

Father: Oh, children, I’m so upset.

Jack: Oh, don’t worry, I’ll go to the forest and bring you some berries and mushrooms.

Phillipa: What? Again berries and mushrooms?

Francis: Oh, no, I want  to eat meat.

Father: Maybe you can go hunting?

Francis: Hurray! We are going to hunt!

Phillipa: How I like hunting! (they leave for hunting)


Father: Oh, something is wrong with me. Doctor…Come here…Help me, please…

Doctor: Well, here I am. What’s happened to you?

Father: I’m so bad. Oh!

Doctor: M…m…m   Aha

Father: What’s this? Shall I die?

Doctor: It’s a magic illness. And only magic apples from the Tree of Life can help you. They grow in the Golden Palace. Your children can bring them. Phillipa, Francis, Jack…


(In the forest)Francis: Phillipa, look, what a big hare I’ve got. Now we can go home

(A big ant is appearing) Oh, Phillipa, look what a terrible big ant. Let’s kill it.

Jack: No-no-no. Don’t do this. The ant is so nice.

Ant: Jack, you are a very kind boy. Thank you. Some day I shall help you.

Francis: Jack, you are stupid, stupid

(A kingfisher is appearing) Phillipa: Francis, look at that ugly bird. Let’s kill it.

Jack: No, Francis, kingfishers are so rare.

Phillipa: You are so silly, Jack

Kingfisher: Thank you, Jack. You are so kind-hearted. I shall be glad to help you sometime.


(The children are coming into the room)Phillipa: Father, dear, what’s happened to you?

Father: Oh, children, I’m in danger.

Doctor: Listen, children, your father is seriously ill. And only apples from the Tree of Life can save him. This map will help you to find the way to the Golden Palace where the Tree of Life grows. Go and find it!

Francis: Don’t worry, we’ll find it(the children are leaving)



(In the forest)Francis: we shall go this way

Phillipa: No, this way

Francis: No, this way(they are pushing each other and throwing the map on the ground)

Jack(is picking up the map)I’ll do it myself. Well…what’s the right way? Left…no…right…

Magician: I am a magician but I don’t want to tell Jack about it.

Jack: Could you help me, please? Is it the right way to the Golden Palace?

Magician: Yes, my boy, go this way and don’t forget the word ‘’rainbow’’.

Jack: Rainbow? Thank you, kind woman.

Magician: Thank you, Jack. Good luck!



(In the Golden Palace)Queen: Hey, young man, who are you and what do you want here?

Jack: Oh, Your Magesty, I’m Jack Robertson. My father is very ill and only an apple from the Tree of Life in your garden can save him.

Princess: Mother, please, give this nice boy an apple.

Queen: No, you know, I don’t give apples for nothing. He should go through 3 trials.

Jack: OK.

Queen: So, young man, you should find my daughter’s which she dropped into the pond some days ago.

Princess: (in whisper) Jack, I’ll help you. The ring is in the square pond.

Kingfisher: Hello, Jack! It’s me, the Kingfisher. What can I do for you?

Jack: What luck! There is a ring at the bottom of this pond. Can you find it?

Kingfisher: Of course, I can dive very well.

Jack (is coming up to the Queen): Your Magesty, here is your daughter’s ring.

Princess: Oh, Jack, you are so brave. My lovely ring.

Queen: Hm…Well done. But there is another task for you. The Princess broke her necklace the other day. And all 40 pearls fell into the grass. Find them!

Princess(in whisper): I lost it under the fur-tree.

Jack: 40!


Ant: I shall help you. 10,  20, 30, 40. Here is the necklace .Bye, Jack. Be happy.

Jack: Thank you, dear Ant

(is coming up to the Queen): Your Magesty, here is your daughter’s necklace.

Princess: My favourite necklace! You are so clever.

Queen: You must guess the Princess’s name.

Jack: Mirable?

Queen: No

Jack: Sunshine?

Queen: No

Jack (sees the Magician): It’s Rainbow!

Princess: Yes, it is!

Queen: Yes, Jack, you really deserve an apple from the Tree of Life. Your father will be better soon.

Jack: Thank you. I must hurry now. Bye!

Princess: Bye, Jack and remember me, please.



Phillipa and Francis meet Jack, take away the apple from him, go to their father and give the apple to him.

Doctor: No-no-no. Did you really get it? If you didn’t get the apple, it will kill your father. Who got it?

Francis: I…we…I’m sorry, Father

Phillipa: Sorry, Father, Jack got it.

Father(is taking the apple, biting it): Thank you, Jack. Oh, I feel better, I feel excellent. What shall I do for you?

Queen(is coming): I know, Give him this naughty girl in marriage.

Father: I am so happy!

Princess: Jack…

Jack: Rainbow…



Aunt: And they lived happily. The end. I hope my cousins will love the tale.

Биболетова М.З и другие «Книга для учителя 5-6 классы». Пьеса адаптирована для учащихся 4-6 классов учителем английского языка Березиной С.И.






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