Урок по английскому языку 4 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Урок Традиции Рождества в Англии и Новый год в России

1. Приветствие

- Good morning, children!

 - I am glad to see you.

 - How are you?

 - What date is it today?

 - Who is absent today?

 - Let’s start our English lesson.

2.Look at the screenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2GQfOqWuuc

What time of year is shown in the film?
Why Matroskin scolds Sharikov?
What distinguishes the winter ?
That dress in the winter?

 Do you like winter?
What winter holiday do you know?

Дети отвечают

Потом идет ролик о новом годе и рождестве


Think. What we are going to talk today?
Раскрывается тема на рабочей доске заранее написанной.

3.  So today at the lesson we shall learn words referrino to this them
look at the screen идетпрезентация 

Read them together.
4.These are some picture and words

Think and match of the picture and  the words

 What are some words associated with Christmas and New year in English you know? Let's remember them. Write them on the Board. Compare the words with the pictures.

(Дети сопоставляют картинки со словами)

All right. Think and make sentences with these words.

5.I received two letters. In the letters the author writes about the traditions of Christmas and New year. But I don't know where to write about Christmas? Help me.


where to write about Christmas?

What the author says in the second letter?

All right.

6. Details about holidays learn from the presentation. Look at the screen.

Read the questions on the slides and answer them.


7. We learned a lot of information about Christmas and new year. Based on this information, fill in the table.

how different the holidays?

All right.

8. Физкультминутка. At Christmas everyone is dancing and singing. Come and we will dance.
9.  We danced, and the frost at this time drew wordsearch.

You should find 11 words and say them.

All right

12. Today,10 December .Christmas is coming. Let's see what makes Santa Claus.


What should Santa Claus?
Why Santa can't give gifts?
What children bring to Santa?
What giving children Santa?
What a gift liked Santa always more?

what do you want for Christmas?

write to Santa Claus about their desires in a letter

Домашнеезадание: Write a letter at home and bring to the next lesson


 So what's new you learned today?
What are the traditions of Christmas did you know?
How to celebrate new year in Russia?
What is the difference between the holidays?

Подведение  итогов

You worked well today.


Did you like the lesson?
What did you like?

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Количество скачиваний: 7
Просмотров: 97

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