Урок по английскому языку на тему "Parents and new school rules "

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

 Шалкарова З. М.

СШГ № 16

9 «Б» класс

Theme            Parents and new school rules

Aims              To teach the pupils to read and understand the meaning of the unknown text, to   

                        rise problematic questions, do a creative work;

                        To develop the pupils’ lexica – grammatical pronunciation of speaking habits 

                       and skills of oral speech;

                        To bring up them to be  responsible and well-behaved.

Type              Combined

Visuals          Books, cards, active board, papers, pencils and electronics (Level 4)


                                           Outline of the lesson

I Organization moment 


II Checking up the home task       Exercise 6 page 66

                                                      Your associations with the word “Fine”

III Warm up. Pronounce them emotionally                       


IV New theme    

Today we have an unusual lesson. We’ll try to solve some problems concerning to the theme “Parents and new school rules”

a)      First, let’s remember the school rules in our school. Use modal verbs “should, shouldn’t, must and mustn’t.”  For example: school uniform, do home task in time, be always well-behaved, be always hardworking, be polite and patient, do the teacher’s order at once.


a)      The next task is to read and translate the text. Open your books at page 66

b)      Try to answer to the given questions. (cards)

c)      Let’s relax. The game “True or False”



d)     Next , we are going to check up your knowledge on grammar



e)      So, we work with the resource book, where we do different tasks on lexica

f)       Let’s do a creative work. Take your pencils and papers


V Conclusion                1.Giving marks

                                       2. Your home task is ex.15,p.68





                                The lesson is over! Good-bye!

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