Урок в 4 классе All seasons are beautiful

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

All seasons are beautiful  в 4 классе

Цель урока: Обобщить изученный материал.

Задачи урока:

1)      Образовательные:

        Повторить и закрепить лексический материал по темам: Theseasons, Colors,       Clothes, Time.

      Закрепить знание и употребление в устной и письменной речи грамматического материала: модального глагола саn  и образование порядковых числительных.

2)      Воспитательные: воспитывать в детях чувство этики и эстетики, любовь к природе, ко всему, что нас окружает.

3)      Развивающие: развивать умение применять полученные знания на практике, т.е. умение говорить по теме, искусство выразительного чтения, артистизма. Развивать в детях интерес к предмету.

Дополнительный материал урока: интерактивная доска, карточки с заданиями.

Aims of the lesson:

1.      To enrich pupils” knowledge on the theme

2.      To develop pupils” abilities in speaking.

3.      To educate the feeling of love to the nature, seasons.

Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures, a book, cards.


Procedure of the lesson.


1.      Организационный момент.

А) Приветствие:

- Good morning, children, sit down please. I am very glad to see you. I am fine. Dear children, let’s begin our lesson with short dialogue about seasons and weather, because the weather is so unusual today and during the lesson we will do some tasks concerning the weather too.

 -How are you?

-          We are fine too. Thank you.

-          Are you ready to work?

-          Yes we are.


B) Беседа с дежурным:

- Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent?

-What season is it now?

-What month is it now?

-What day is it now?

- What date is it now?

-What’s  the weather like today?

C) Ознакомление с темой и задачами урока.

Today we have a demonstrative lesson and the theme of our lesson is “All seasons are beautiful”. The main aim is to review all lexical and grammar material we have learned in Unit  .

   During the lesson we will work in the following way: I will be the owner of the bank. You will be my shareholders. If you want to buy shares you should do my tasks. Some tasks have only one level and one price. Some tasks have three levels. The first level is not so difficult- its price is 3 $.The second level is more difficult- its price is 4 $. The third level is the most difficult- its price is 5$.

    After each answer I’ ll give you next shares. The yellow colour means 3 $.The green colour means 4 $.  The red colour means 5 $.

I hope that you will show us what you know about seasons, colors, months and clothes. I will divide you into 4 groups or teams and during the lesson you’ll complete with each other.

The first team “ spring”,the second team “summer”, the third team “ autumn”, the fourth team “winter”.


Remember, class rules:

1.      Be active

2.       Be fair

3.      Treat other as you want to be treated

4.      When another is talking listen with eyes and ears.

5.      Love one another, respect one another.

  Open your copybooks and write down the date and the theme of our lesson.

Phonetic Drill.

[n], [r], [w].

   Spring is green,

   Summer is bright,

   Autumn is yellow,

   Winter is white.

3.Present yourself (present your friends)


4.Read please

•      Name, me, be, ten, flag, pen, left, see, sleep, five, nine, tie, sit, cat, cap, nose, sofa, pot, not, like, city, disco, cake, nice, picnic, take, kettle, make, lake, post, pocket, glad, game, gold, go, grape, green, grey, music, numeral, duty, sun, must, rich, much, sing, song, bank, chess, shell

•      Card, carpet, dark, chart, form, for, horse, pork

            Burn, surface, shirt, turn, purple, person, skirt

  4.Стратегия «Ассоциации».

Let”s think about the word  “a year”. What does this word mean?

I will ask questions and who knows the answers, please raise your hands.

Вместе с детьми заполняем диаграмму.

           5.Закрепление лексического материала.

Look the words in the box. Put them in correct places in the diagram. Read them and give their Russian and Kazakh equivalents.


              6..Аудирование. Встреча гостей урока.

Today the seasons have come to our lesson to see what you know about them. Please dear guests, come up to me. Now the seasons will introduce themselves and you must listen to them attentively, because then they will ask you some questions.

A.    Spring.

-          Hello, boys and girls. My first name is Spring. My surname is Green. I have three children. They are March, April, May. March is the first spring month. April is the second spring month. May is the third spring month

-          What is my first name?

-          What is my surname?

-          Name my children. Thank you.

B.     Summer. Hello, boys and girls. My first name is Summer. My surname is Bright.. I have three children. They are June, July, August. I have got long days and short nights.

 June is the first summer month. July is the second summer month. August is the third spring month

What is my first name?

What is my surname?

Name my children. Thank you.

-Who knows poems about colours?

                      1.  Yellow like the Sun,

    White like a day,

    Black like a night,

    Green like the grass,

    Blue like the Sky,

    Brown like a tree.

2. Blue sea,

    Green tree,

    Brown hand,

   Yellow sand.

    3. Rose red,                             4. I have many pencils:

     Grey head,                                   Red and green, and blue

     Snow white,                                I can draw a picture

     Black night.                                  And give it to you. 

C) Autumn

- Hello, my friends. My full name is Autumn Yellow. My months are September, October, November. They are kind because they give you many fruits and vegetables. I have a nice gold dress on. I am beautiful season.

- What is my name?

- Name my months.

D) Winter

- hello, boys and girls. Iam very glad to see you. I am Winter White. My friends are December, January and February. My days are short and my nights are long. I am cold and white. There is much snow on the ground, on the trees. I love children. They love me too because they can ski, skate and play snowballs.

- What is my name?

- Name my friends?

- can you recite poems about seasons.

1.  I like the Sun

     I like the Spring              

    I like the birds

    That fly and sing.


2. In cold winter

I ski and skate,

Says little Kate.


3.In hot summer

I like to swim,

Says little Jim.


4.      And what do you do

In warm spring?

In spring we like

To play and sing.


5.      What a rainy season!

The sky is dark and grey

No sunshine any more,

No playing out of doors.



6.      But in the rainy season,

I Have other joys

I read my books and play

At home with all my toys.


7.      Autumn is the season

  When fruit is sweet.

It the season,

When schoolchildren meet.    


-Very nice! You know so many poems. Can you write the names of the seasons correctly?


7. Next task: What time is it?   Write the times in the words.

  8. Repeat Modal Verb “can”

     A. Dialogue T-P1-P2

-Can you Jump? Do, please…..

-Can you swim?

-Can you Knit?

5.  phisical minute

       I can see with my eyes,

       I can clap with my hands

       I can walk with my legs,

       I can step with my feet,

      I can swim as a fish.

      I can’t fly as a bird.

9.I see that you are good painters. But I can not draw well, that’s why my picture is not so good as yours. Help me please. Match the cardinal numbers with ordinal and we’ll see a nice flower.

10. Homework

How clever you are! Thank you for your help.

11.We have finished our lesson. We spoke about seasons, clothes, colours. We recited many poems, drew pictures. Your work was good. Thank you for your hard work and listen to your marks.


T :  Who is the leader of our lesson? Now we will find the winners of our competition. A lot of thanks for your attention.

Cl: answers

T: We congratulate our leader with your talent.  

13. Summarizing:    The lesson is over. Good- bye!  See you!




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