Урок в 6 классе обобщение по теме погода

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
Ход урока 1. Приветсвие. Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Pupils: Good morning! I’m fine, and you? Teacher: I’m fine. Sit down, please. 2. Постановка проблемной ситуации и ее решение. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащегося. Teacher: Children let’s listen to the record and answer my questions What sounds do you hear? ( слушают звуки природы.The sounds of rain, of wind, snow and storm) Teacher: OK, good for you. What are we going to talk about today? (I think we are going to talk about weather.) Teacher: Right you are. Thank you. Yes, our topic about weather. 3 Актуализация знаний Teacher: So, we need some words to discuss the problem. I’m sure you know them well, but anyway let’s remember them. (говорят слова, описывающие погоду). Teacher: So, look at the screen. There is a list of some words to discuss the problem. foggy  stormy cloudy wet frosty melt sunny rainy hot dry freeze cold snowy slippery fine (http://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/dustbin) Teacher:You have shits of paper on your desk. Look and say what will you do it? (говорят, что они будут делать) Teacher: Yes, Now you complete a poem use the words of the screen. In winter it’s …, …, … . In summer it’s …, …, … . In autumn it’s … and … . In spring you may jump up to the sky. ( ВСТАВЛЯЮТ СЛОВА В СТИХОТВОРЕНИЕ) In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy, In summer it’s sunny and fine, In autumn it’s cloudy, windy and rainy, In spring you may jump up to the sky.   So, now let’s check your poem. Your score 8-7 6 5-4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2   Проверили и оценили себя. The second task. Put the words in the right order. Season, my, favourite, is, summer. Can, I, swim, in, summer. Children, to, go, school, don’t. Weather, the, is, beautiful. Составляют предложения, затем проверяем и оценивают. Your score 4 3 2  1 Your mark 5 4 3 2   So look at the screen . You choose the right picture to the text. ( читают текст и пишут номер правильной картинки)Слайд№ It”s a beautiful season. Many people like it very much. Some people don’t like it. The weather is fine, but it is often rains and cool. The days are shorter and colder. The trees are yellow. Children go to school.( если правильный номер картинки выбрали,ставят 5 баллов,нет,то 0 баллов.) The third task You find sentences about each seasons. Match  sentences with seasons (http://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/dustbin) 1.     There is much snow.                    A) Summer 2.     We can see new leaves, grass, flowers.                            B) Winter 3.     The days are hot.                           C) Spring 4.     We swim and fish. 5.     The days become colder.                D)Autumn 6.     We can ski and skate. 7.     The trees are yellow and red. 8.     The days are longer.   правильные ответы. 1B 2C 3A 4A 5D 6B 7D 8A Your score 8-7 6 5-4  3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2   Физминутка Hands up! Hands down! Hands to the sides! Sit down! Stand up! Hands on the hips! Bent left! Bent right! Clap your hands! All rights! (2 times) So, look out the window, please. What season is it now? What is the weather like? What is your favourite weather? Why? 4. You have letter on your desk. You have to read and write a reply to your friend about the weather in your city.(Читают письмо и отвечают) Dear Helen, How are the things going on? In my country spring has already come. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Being at work I always imagine myself strolling down (гулять) some parks. I wish you could join me! It would be funny! My favourite season is summer because it's time for holidays. If the weather is fine I'll go to sea. What is your favourite season? Why? Truly yours, Jessica Рефлексия So, our lesson is coming to an end. What have you found out today? Did you like the lessons? Thank you for your work. Bye-bye!    
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