Урок в 9 классе «Сохрани природу!»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
                        Save the Nature Objectives of the lesson: To teach students to be well-educated people;              to develop skills in creative thinking;             to motivate thinking;             to develop skills in  reading and speaking about ecological problems;              to develop self -assessment             to educate love to the Nature.   Materials of the lesson : pictures, music, slides , self -assessment  cards, cartoon video, ActivBoard                                                      Procedure   1. Organization moment         Aim of the lesson Hello to everybody! Look at the picture what can you see? Whom can you hear? (Pupils: I can see green trees, beautiful flowers, green grass, blue sky, wild animals. I can hear singing of birds and sounds of wild animals. How can you name what surrounds us?  What do you think what is the environment. Does our environment and Nature need help? (Yes, it does)Today we are going to have a talk and discuss the problems of the environment. We shall find the ways how to help people to save the Nature.   2. Phonetic drill Can you write   words in your copybooks which we need today for our speaking Now ,please read aloud what have you written Pollution, pollute, ecological  problem ,waste, litter rubbish, kill animals, destroy roots of plants, destroy birds ‘nests, cut trees, air pollution, 3. Practice in Speech   Look at the slide and make your own sentences using Grammar Passive Voice 1.       Water is polluted by the plant. 2.       Fish is killed by wastes of oil. 3.       Air is polluted. There is a big problem –lack of fresh air(oxygen) 4.       Trees are cut by people. Birds’ nests are destroyed. 5.       Rubbish is thrown everywhere by people.
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Количество скачиваний: 9
Просмотров: 101

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