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9 класс Тема: Выбираем школу Цель: Расширить понятие о системе образования Великобритании Задачи: 1Ознакомить с новой лексикой 2.Развивать навыки работы с текстом 3. Проявлять интерес к изучению английского языка Тип урока: комбинированный Методы: выполнение упражнений , проектная работа, вен. диаграмма Материальное обеспечение: слайды Ход урока. I.Org.moment. Hello,children! Sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? II. Check up. Let’s check your home task and repeat the new words and phrases from the previous lesson . Ask pupils to translate the following sentences:a)Изучение иностранных языков очень важно в наши дни. b) Учителя стараются дать нам хорошие знания. c)- Я люблю изучать английский язык.-И я тоже. d) Тебе следует больше читать книг на английском языке III. Presentation of the theme and aims of the lesson. ( слайд) -The theme of our lesson is “ Choosing schools” Today we’ll talk about the educational system of Great Britain, study some interesting information about it and find out in which school we would like to get knowledge. New words: ( слайд) fee-оплата facilities-возможности , льготы including-включая accommodation-жильё fall behind-отставать boarding-school -интернат further-дальнейший get on with-иметь хорошее взаимоотношение take up -начать заниматься to vote-голосовать to look up- искать -How do you think English language, why is English language so popular to study ? (Pupil’s answer) -Yes you are right. In England you can get the best education in the world. Let’s remember some facts about educational system of Great Britain and study the new information about it. The pupils may take examinations leading to the . certificate of secondary education (CSE), • - general certificate of education (GCE). IV. Follow up. Ex.2 pg.71 Read the advertisements Writing.Ex 3 complete the diagram Reading . Ex.7 pg.72 Read and translate the texts. Your project work. V. Conclusion. Answer the questions What stages is the system of education in Great Britain divided into? Is school education compulsory, or not? Between what ages is primary education given? What schools are primary schools divided into? What is CSE? Marks. VII. Home task: ex.8,11 pg 73-74