Внеклассное мероприятие “Play and learn”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

  “Play and learn”    



The aims: To develop pupil’s logical thinking, memory, attention.

                 To enlarge pupils’ knowledge speaking, reading and writing skills.

                To develop  the respect of relationship between pupils.

                To check   pupil’s knowledge of the grammar.


Methods and way: competition between two teams.

Equipments: balloons, posters, pictures, tape – recorder . slogan.

Preliminary work : 1.To divide into 2 team.

                               2.To appoint captains.

                               3. To compose scenario.

                               4. To draw emblems.

                               5. To make newspaper and slogan.


Plans of the game:


1.     Introduction.

    2.Short descriptions of holidays.

    3. Who is the best?

    4. Family members

    5. I know more in English.

    6. Choose and tick


      Good afternoon dear teachers, guests and students welcome to our party “Play and learn”. You may sing and dance together with our participants and must support them by clapping. Let’s introduce our juries. We ask you, not to be too critical and forgive our participants mistakes they may make. Let me invite our teams.


The 1st  part of our competitions is introduction of teams.

There are two teams in the competition. They are the pupils of 4th-5th form. First they introduce themselves.

 Capitan of each team must introduce members of team using grammar. (Home task)

Example: My name is Doszhan. Her name is….  His name is….



II.                Next round is the shortest description of pictures.

I’ll give you two pictures with signs  ,and you task is to describe and make sentences.

1)    The 1st picture about “Happy birthday” . (a present, a cake, a candle, a balloon).

2)    The 2nd picture about “Happy Easter”. (spring, egg, colour, sweet )




III. Who is the best?


Group A

1.The name of the fruit. (Apple)

2. The name of the month.(April)

3.The capital of Kazakhstan (Astana)

4.The name of the school subject (Algebra)

5.The first  letter of the Alphabet (A)

6.What cannot we live without? (Air)

7.One of the ocean (Atlantic ocean)

8. Translate the word “grandfather” in to Kazakh. (ата)

 9.The famous Kazakh writer (Abai)

10 Translate the word “mother” into Kazakh. (ана)



Group  B


1.A little child. (Baby).

2.The name of the fruit. (Banana)

3.The antonym to the word “good” (bad)

4. Translate the word “begin” in to Kazakh. (баста)

5. The capital of Germany (Berlin)

6. The name of the school subject (Biology)

7. Translate the word “Children” in to Kazakh. (балалар)

8.The room where we sleep (bedroom)

9.A colour  (black)

10.An important day for all of us which happens once  every year. (Birthday)


IV. The 4th round- Family members

                                            Female                                  Male

                                            Mother                                   Father

                                            Sister                                     brother

                                            Aunt                                     uncle



V. The  5th round- I know more in English.

(Each team show us their activities)



VI. The  6th round –Choose and tick

(In this round Children do three task 1.Match and colour 2.Write the numbers 3.Choose and tick). The teacher give the paper   with tasks where they must find the correct answer , dye, it’s correct to write the numerals.

Example  The cat is black and white. The house is yellow and brown. The parrot is red and green.



Conclusion: Now. It’s time to say results of our competition .while our juries count your scores you may show your dance.

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