ABC Holiday

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
Цели: обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Я и моя семья”, закрепить знания учащимися букв английского алфавита, развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи; развивать креативность; воспитывать у детей чувство взаимопомощи, умение работать в парах и команде; повысить интерес к изучаемому предмету.Оборудование: костюм Mrs. Letter, микрофон, карточки с буквами, сертификаты и медали из фольги участникам.Ход мероприятияTeacher: Good afternoon pupils and guests! Today we are celebrating ABC Holiday. The main heroine of our holiday is Mrs. Letter. Please meet Mrs. Letter!Mrs. Letter: Good afternoon children, parents and teachers!Pupils: Good afternoon,Good afternoon,Good afternoon to you!Good afternoon,Good afternoon.We are glad to see you.Mrs. Letter: How are you, pupils?How are you?I hope you are fine, pupils.Pupils: We hope you are too.Mrs. Letter: Let me introduce our judges (introduces judges). They will give you and count your points.At our holiday we have two teams and we will name them. Oh, but how? Well, I have an idea. Name me the first letter of English alphabet (the team the first to name the letter gets the name “А”) and the last one (the second team is called “Z”). Let’s start. Today we will play a lot of games and the first game is for captains. Meet the captains. This is… and this is… (names the captains). You … and you… ask each other three questions.Captains: (possible questions)What is your name?How old are you?How are you?Where do you live?What class are you in?Have you got a mother (father, sister, brother)Mrs. Letter: And now tell us about yourselves.(Model: My name is Sasha and I am 7 years old. I am from Russia and I live in Tavda. I am in the second class and I like English.)Mrs. Letter: Thanks a lot for your stories. You can speak English and that’s great. And can you read and write? Do you know all English letters? Before the next game I want you to answer my questions about the alphabet.Сколько букв в английском алфавите?Каких букв больше: гласных или согласных?Сколько гласных?А сколько согласных?Назови гласные, по написанию похожие на русские.Какая гласная по написанию не похожа на русскую?В каких парах гласных букв большие и маленькие буквы похожи друг на друга? (Оо, Uu,Yy)А какие из согласных похожи на русские?В каких парах согласных большие и маленькие буквы похожи?Назовите другое название алфавита (АВС или alphabet)Mrs. Letter: I hope you enjoyed the holiday and now it’s time to listen to your results (all the pupils are given certificates and medals)Mrs. Letter: Thank you very much for the holiday. Good bye!
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