Ашық сабақ “Animals”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Theme: “Animals"

Kind of lesson: Improving the knowledge and skills

Type of lesson: Combined-speech

Aims of the lesson:

¨1. To teach to speak about animals, to work with the text.

¨2. To develop thinking, writing, speaking skills.

¨3. To know about animal world, to protect them.


- Authoring program Smart Notebook, interactive whiteboard, projector, computer, photo of the animals.

Procedure of the lesson

  • I.Organization moment.
  • -Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please. We are still don’t know each other! Let’s become friends and play a little game. I have got a ball. With a help of throwing this ball we will get acquainted with each other. I will start then you must call your names throw each other one by one. The last student must throw this ball to me. Do you understand me?
  • -Tell me please, what date is it today?
  • -What day is it today?
  • II.Checking up the home task.
  • -Let me check your home task.
  • -What was your home task for today?
  • -You, please. Begin telling. You, please continue telling.
  • -Enough. That’ll do.
  • III.Presentation.
  • 1)Warm up.

Today we learn a new poem. Look at the blackboard. First I’ll read it. Listen to me very attentively.


This is the elephant's tail so thin,
Tail so thin, tail so thin,
This is the elephant's tail so thin,
Swish, swish, swish.

This is the elephant's nose so long,
Nose so long, nose so long,
This is the elephant's nose so long,
Blow, blow, blow.

These are the animals all around,
All around, all around,
These are the animals all around,
Run, run, run!

-Who wants to read this poem? You are very good! Now tell me please who is this poem about? Are elephants in danger?

2) New words.

Now, children let’s begin our new lesson. Our new theme is “Animals are in danger”

Before we’ll take new theme we must translate the new words.



аң аулау




an elephant















-Who wants to read? You please, stand up!

3) Grammar material.

I shall introduced new grammar material “Present Simple”-Жалпы осы шақ.

Бұл шақ үнемі істелетін және күнбе-күнгі әрекетті, дағдылы жалпы қимыл, іс-әрекетті көрсетеді. Бұл шақ қазақ тіліндегі ауыспалы (жалпы) осы шаққа сәйкес келеді. Present Simple do, does көмекші етістіктерімен жұмыс жасайды. Жай осы шақ сұраулы түрі “do” көмекші етістігі арқылы құрылады (“do” көмекші етістігі барлық жақтарда қолданылады), бірақ үшінші жақ жекеше түрінде “does” көмекші етістігі қолданылады. “Do”, “Does” сұраулы сөйлемде бастауыштың алдында тұрады. E.g. Do I write? Does he write? Do we write?

Present Simple – осы шақтың нәтижесін көрсетеді. “to be” етістігінің осы шақтағы формасы.

1 ж. I am

2 ж. We I’m = I am

You are He’s = He is

They She’s = She is

It’s = It is.

3 ж. He We’re = we are

She is you’re = you are

It they’re = they are

E.g. An elephant is in danger.

Animals are in danger.

IV. Practice

Task1. Read the text about «Do know that? ».

Many animals on the Earth are disappearing. Many of animals are in danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have hunted and killed many tigers in India and a lot of elephants in Africa. Tigers and elephants are often dangerous. Some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. The result is very sad. There are few Indian tigers left on the Earth now.

Task2. Answer the questions

a) Where do tigers come from?

b) Where do elephants come from?

c) Why people hunted tigers?

d) What other animals do you know who are in danger?

e) Will they disappear some day?

Task3. To develop your pronunciation please, repeat.

The animals which live in a SAVANNA: ELEPHANT, GIRAFFE, LION, ZEBRA, HIPPO.

The animals which live in the rainforest and tropics: FLAMINGO, TIGER, PANDA, GORILLA.

The animals which live in the Polar Regions: PENGUIN, REINDEER, POLAR BEAR, SEAL.

The animals which live in the forest: FOX, SQUIRREL, BEAR, and BISON.

The animals which live in the desert: SCORPIO, SNAKE, LIZARD, CAMEL.

Task4. What are the names of the animals in the pictures?

  • 1)Lion Tiger
  • 2)Bison Elephant
  • 3)Giraffe Zebra
  • 4)Panda Gorilla

Task5. Put the verb in the correct Present Simple form.

1. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock.

2. She (to be) a school-girl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon.

3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.

4. For breakfast she (to eat) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

Task6. WORD SQUARE. Guess the 10 words about animals.

  • 1)Camel
  • 2)Lion
  • 3)Deer
  • 4)Fox
  • 5)Monkey
  • 6)Rabbit
  • 7)Wolf
  • 8)Tiger
  • 9)Elephant

10) Zebra

V. Production.

To sum it all up tell me please-can we help animals? What will we never do?

And what will we do?


VI.Rounding up.

  • 1)Making conclusion
  • 2)Evalution
  • 3)Giving homework
  • -Today we have learnt some words. We have done some tasks. Well, children, thank you for your work. Let me give you some marks. …. your mark is five, …. your mark is four.

And your home task will be exercise 10 p 60.

  • -Now the lesson is over. Good bye, children!
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