Эссе по английскому языку "New School - a modern teacher"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

    Every person has a dream , to which he aspires. After graduatіng the  school school-leaver determines to choose a profession , with the institution in which he will learn .

     Before I set a goal back when I was in school - "Becoming a teacher once and for all ." My dream realized . I wanted to become an English teacher and entered the State Pedagogical University . My future profession sounded so - teacher of Russian language and literature and English language. I became a teacher . My life changed after working with children. To share my experience and warmth to children - this is my life . Working with children, we not only teach them , but they teach us themselves. What? We  learn  openness , kindness , trusting to the world .

    What attracts me to the teaching profession ? Real teacher , in my opinion , is the man who gives not only knowledge and skills, he is a compass by which he checks the direction of his career .


    Being a teacher - is a way of constant searching. In the eyes of a child the teacher  is a man who knows all the answers . This ideal of a successful person sought by each. Teacher - a special profession . Its greatness is that it serves human development future. Teacher love brights up the child's heart , mind, teachers form his mind pets , teacher beliefs define beliefs of his pupils , teachers create the greatest value in the world - Man .

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