Getting to know each other 6 grade

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Title of the lesson: Getting to know each other

Aims of the lesson: to talk about themselves

Objectives of the lesson: 1) to consolidate language and speech material  

                                                   on the theme “Back to school”

                                               2) to practice the pronunciation of new words

                                               3) to develop friendly attitude towards English 

Materials: CD, cards       

1. Org. moment     

2. Warm up

     3. Check up the home work: Ex.8 p. 18

     4. Presentation: Getting to know each other

     5. Practice:  Ex. 1-10 p. 11 (S/B)

         A. Read the names of the countries:

    The United States of America



   B. New vocabulary:

    embassy (посольство)

    tutor (наставник)

    memory (память)

   C. Read the text

   D. Grammar: Present Perfect Tense (p. 177,178)

                have/has V3/ed

   E.g. I have taught them English for 2 years.

        She has been a teacher for 6 years.

   E. Speaking / Ex.8 p.11

   E.g. Omar is 13.

       He is from Astana.

       He has visited the USA.

       In his free time he plays tennis.

       He speaks Kazakh, English and Russian.

       He is going to visit Italy.   

   F. Writing / Answer the questions

    a) Do you play any instruments?

    b) What did you do last night?

    c) What are you going to do this weekend?

    d) What cities have you been to?

    e) When were you born?

    f) What languages do you speak?

    g) Do you like dancing?

    h) What do you do in your free time?

          i) What is your favourite subject?

        6. Evaluation


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