Конспект урока английского языка "The importance of literature in our life"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

The aim: a)  Help to understand  that  the Language of art  is universal.                                                                    b) Develop student’s  speaking & interests to foreign languages and  learn it by acting  the  famous national   tragedy  “Kyz  Zhibek”                                                          c)Formation  student’s  feeling to their  motherland & tongue.                                                Respect to each other  and  to be proud of  their history & literature                                         The result of the aim: Students can speak  & discuss fluently about  the greatest  poets,  writers & playwrights, actors &  can develop own speech  by   asking  & answering  to the questions, widen their  stock  of  vocabulary.                                                 The  used  literature :  Study book -8,  Kazakh language & Literature of  the 9 th form, Dictionary (Dubrovin)                                                                                                   Type of the lesson: Consoldative ( non standard lesson)                                                                                                          The form & methods of the lesson:  Role play , acting

The 1st  part

Tolegen is looking for a fiancée

Төлегеннің өзіне қалыңдық іздеуі

The author:  A long, long ago in the village of Zhagalbaily  lived a rich man named Bazarbai. He had a wife. She gave a birth to a son and named him “Tolegen”. He was a handsome and clever child. When he was 16 years old he started to look for a beautiful, worthy fiancée to get married. At that time in the nearest village of  “Alty Shekti” lived a great king Syrlybai, and he had a beautiful, sweetheart daughter whose  name was Zhibek.All the people knew that Tolegen was looking for a beautiful fiancee, and Karshyga knew about it as well. Karshyga  was an adviser of Syrlybai. He came to Tolegen, and said to him:                                                              Karshyga:  -Are you  Tolegen, a son of  Bazarbai?                                                                                      Tolegen: - Yes, of course, you are right. What is the matter?                                                               Karshyga: - I heard that, you are looking for a worthy fiancee? I know one girl. She lives in Akzhaik. And her name is Zhibek                                                                                                                              The author:   Karshyga, Tolegen and his friend Shege  made their way  to the village of Akzhaik. When they came closer they saw the Caravan leaving the village. They decided to  follow it. Zhibek’s sister in law was going at the head of that Caravan. Young men started to look for Zhibek in the Caravan but couldn’t find her. Then Shege came to sister in-law and asked:  -Ohhooow, sister in-law, can you tell us, where is Zhibek?

The Sister in-law -Ooh travellers, she didn’ want to go with us, so she has left in the early morning.                                                                                                                                                                   The author:    Then,  they kept going further  looking  for Zhibek.  In the farthest  distance in the  golden embroidery cart was  sitting Zhibek. Three batyrs came closer. And Tolegen spoke out:                                                                                                                                                    Tolegen: -Who is  in the cart?

Author:  Tolegen repeated  it out  loud  several times, but nobody answered. Zhibek didn’t draw attention. Then, Karshyga came nearer to the cart and said:                                                                       Karshyga: -Zhibekjan, I brought to you a worthy fiancé. You should believe me that this man is the best batyr and he is clever.                                                                                                                 Zhibek: -Did I tell you to find me a husband?? AAA??? Tell me…? get away, and graze your cattle!!!                                                                                                                                                                           Karshyga: -Please, get me right Zhibek. I just  let a clever and smart young man find  a beautiful and tender girl. I always do anything for your sake! Please, justify my hopes!                            Author:Zhybek goes into thoughts. But she decided to get out from the cart.                                   Tolegen: -Zhibek, don’t avoid me!!! If you do,  your fellow-villagers will  be suffered. From your obstinacy.                                                                                                                                                Zhibek:-Oh, Traveler, you have come like a bolt from the blue. Please, keep on your way.   Tolegen: -If you don’t agree, I’ll not give a bride price. If I don’t give a bride price, I’ll not be with you. If I’m not together with you, I will never have a respect.                                                      Zhibek: -It’s not a problem. Many people came like you. And no one couldn’t get my consent! Try to get my agreement? Then, we will be together until the death doesn’t separate us!

                                                      The 2nd Part

Confrontation of Tolegen and Bekezhan                                                                                                  Төлеген мен Бекежанның тіресуі                                                                                                           Author:There were 60 men who will wanted to be with Zhibek. But a persistent one was Bekejan.



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