Конспект урока по английскому языку "Hello Nico" (1 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты



Aims:1) To revise the names of Anna, Bella, Eddie, Lee.

          2) To teach the names of Nico, Mrs Martin

          3) To teach My names …

What you need:

Cds and Voc-ry cards,a mask


I Introduction

Introduce yourself to the class by saying My name’s…(+ your name)

Say this several times. Then invite some of the children to say My name’s…(+their name) to the class

II Warm up:

Hello, Hello                                Allow time for the children to look through the book/

Hello to you                                Children find their favourite pictures.Ask them if they

Hello, Hello                                know any English words already.

How are you.

III Presentation:

Q-n: What ‘s your name?

Mrs Martin , Nico, Children, Yes, No, Sing


Group work. In groups children introduce themselves. Listen and help.

Pair work Dialogue:

Mrs Martin:Hello My name’s Mrs Martin

Children:Hello, Mrs Martin

Mrs Martin:Hello. My name’s Mrs Martin

Mrs Martin: Hello Anna

Bella: Hello Mrs Martin. My name’s Bella.

Mrs Martin: Hello Bella.

Eddie: Hello Mrs Martin. My name’s Eddie

Mrs Martin: Hello, Eddie

Lee: Hello , Mrs Martin . My name’s Lee/

Mrs Martin: Hello Lee.

Mrs Martin:Hello, children / My name’s Mrs Martin

Listen and point (10 min)

Group work/ pair work You: Hello . What’s your name? Nico: Hello,…(+your name)

Listen and repeat the dialoge

1 Eddie:Hello.What’s your name?

 Nico:Hello, Eddie.My name’s Nico?

 Eddie: Hello Nico

2 Bella: Hello. What’s your name?

  Nico: Hello Bella. My name’s Nico

Bella:Hello , Nico

Sing a song(10 min)

Revise/ Teach sing

Play game (5-10 min)

V Production

a)new words

b)My name’s +his/her name and waves at the children remaining in the room

VI Evaluation.









Тип материала: Документ Microsoft Word (docx)
Размер: 19.83 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 12
Просмотров: 81

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