Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему: "Школьные предметы" (5 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Класс: 5


Тема урока: Школьные предметы

Цели урока:

Общеобразовательная: Способствовать формированию нового лексического материала, научить использовать новый  лексически материал в различных речевых ситуациях.

Развивающая : Способствовать  развитию  коммуникативной компетенции учащихся путем вовлечения их в активную речевую деятельность, развитие познавательной активности учащихся, внимания, памяти, логического мышления.

Воспитательная: Прививать интерес к школьным предметам, формировать положительную мотивацию и устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка.



Орг. момент

Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!


Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning! We are glad to see you!

- Sit down, please.  Let’s  begin our lesson!

Now I want to check your homework. Ask and answer the question. What is this?

  Children look at the blackboard. What do you see? What do you think about the theme of our lesson.  You are right. 2  minutes

Today we will speak about the school subjects. Translate all these subjects and write in your copy-books . Repeat after me

1 English











II. Let’s play. Match the words. For example English.


III. Class do you know your time-table? If you know lets make up the time table. For example. 7 minutes


IV. Children look at the blackboard. Every pupil has favourite subject. Now look at thise sentences And make up your own.

My favourite subject is ….

My favourite subjects are….

I am good at History

I am good at biology

Are you good at English

Yes, I am

No, I am not

Do you like History

Yes, I do

No, I dont

Answer the guestions

What is your favourite subject?

Are you good at History?


Work in pairs. Make  up the dialog.  I give you 5 min.


V. Now do the crosswords.4  minutes


VI. Put the words in the correct order. 5 min.


VII. You are tired. Now have you rest.


VII. Now write a story about your favourite subject and say. I give you 5 minutes

VIII. Now, guess the name of the subjects.

At this lesson you read English texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games. (English)

At this lesson you draw and paint. You have papers and pencils. (Art)

At this lesson you write in your exercise-book and count. (Maths)

At this lesson you read, write, do exercises, ask and answer questions. You speak  Russian. (Russian)

At this lesson you don’t read and write. You run, jump in the Gym. (P.E.) (4 мин)

VIIII. What school things do you use at the lesson?

I can write with a pen in…..

I can  draw  with a pencil in ….

We can count in …..

We can run in ….




What do you like at the lesson?

If you like our lesson- yellow colour

If you don’t like our lesson- brown colour.

5. Домашнеезаданиеиподведение итогов, выставление оценок

Teacher: Make the timetable for a week.

     I thank you for good work and I give a five to … , a four to …, a three to…











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