Let's live in peace and friendship

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы





Aim: to enlarge students' scope for peace and friendship

Grade level: 3-7 Materials:


Final closing festival.

Final closing festival

Girl: What a happy day today. Boy: Day today.

Girl: All the children dance and play. Boy: Dance and play. Girl:All the children are very gay. Boy: Very gay.

Girl: Oh, the happy, happy day.

Boy and girl: Happy day.

Teacher: We know, that World festivals of youth and students are mass international meetings of young people fighting for peace and friendship.

The aim of our meeting today is to do everything possible to keep world peace, to strengthen friendship among all people and nations. The meeting will be held under the slogan "For Peace and Friendship".

Two students are on the stage.        .

Leader1 Good evening, everybody! Dear boys and girls! You are welcome to take part in our final clossing festival. Let us begin.

Leader2: There are many children living on our planet. Every of them has the right to be happy. People must try to do everything possible to make children years healthy and happy.

Leader1: Our first part is called "Poems about Peace and Friendship" Poems recited by students.

Leader2: Listen to the questions and give me the answers!

1. Do you think the youth of our country are different from the youth of other countries?

2. What kind of people are respected and liked by all members of society?

3. What do we mean when we speak about friendship?

4. What do we mean when we say "Let's live in peace and friendship"?

Leader 1: We think that everybody here has good friends. Friendship between people grows when they do something useful together.

Our friendship is still better if we understand each other well. Therefore, you see that friendship between people is a very great thing. "Friendship is as the sun in winter». We are sure that friendship makes your life happier.

Leader2: It is a pity, that we have no opportunity to hear and to meet the children from other countries, but we will hope, that all the honest people of the world will try to live in peace and friendship.

We want peace!

My Wish - a poem Recited by a student

Peace to you, people!

Under your feet

Teacher: Thanks a lot to our participants, for their active participation. Also thanks to everybody!

Let's finish our meeting with a song "We shall overcome".



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