Мастер класс: английский урок на тему "National holidays in Kazakhstan and the USA"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

National celebrations of Kazakhstan and the USA

The Aims:
To develop student's abilities in speech;
To teach students to appreciate culture of other countries;
To arouse student's interest in the USA, Kazakhstan and to widen their scope;
To educate the feelings of international friendship and love to our Motherland.
Type of the lesson: teaching new technology and getting new information

Teaching methods and techniques: speaking,reading, working with audio tasks, writing, Insert, to group.

Inter-subject connection: Geography, Kazakh language.
The Aids: presentation, A map of the world, poster,blackboard, audio,video, interactive board and chards, game loto with chards.

The procedure of the lesson

Organization moment
I. Warm-up. Greeting 2 min.

a) Good morning 2

Good morning to you,

Good morning 2,

I’m glad to see you!

- How are you?
b) Explanation of the lesson objectives
c) Asking about the dates absents, etc.
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What date is today?
- What season is it now?
- What is the weather like today?

Phonetic drill

“Washington’s birthday” sing. 2 min.

Dry your eyes, Mrs. Washington
Through all the years have passed you by
Mmm, we know him well and he sends you his love.

Glad you called, Mrs. Washington
Your boy has gone out for the day
He tried to call on his anniversary.

Ooh, Washington's birthday
Ooh, Washington's day
Ooh, Washington's birthday
And he wishes he could be with you this day.

Are you still there, Mrs. Washington?
We have to leave you soon, you know
The spirits fly, it's a long way to go.

Ooh, Washington's birthday
Ooh, Washington's day
Ooh, Washington's birthday
And he wishes he could be with you this day
And the time is soon when you will pass this way.

Washington's, Washington's birthday
Washington's, Washington's day
Washington's, Washington's birthday
Washington's, Washington's day.

-Let’s go, pupil’s take one chards and sit-up with flags in your place.

1 group 2 group

“USA” “Kazakhstan”

Checking up the home - task:We are playing the game “Who is the best?”.I give you questions and you must quickly answer the question. 3 min.

1. Where so tigers come from?

2. Do people threaten some animals?

3. Do animals disappear?

4. Where so elephants come from?

5. How many elephants live in India?

6. How many rhinos have in the world?

II. Working with pair.

Draw the semantical chard in the blackboard.2 min.

President’s day

New Year day

-Today’s our lesson’s of theme is “National celebrations of Kazakhstan and the USA”.

Presentation about the theme “National celebration of the USA” and “National holidays in Kazakhstan” 3 min.

1.And now let's work on the text
a) reading. I give you materials and new words. Leaders change with places and they explain their theme of other group with methods of «Insert»

I group. “National celebrations of the USA” 10 min.

Federal law establishes the following public holidays for federal employees. If the holiday falls during the weekend, it may be observed on a different day.

Many government offices are closed on federal holidays and some private businesses may close as well. If you plan to visit a government office on or around a federal holiday, you should contact them to determine when they will be open.

New Year's Day

New Year's Day is January 1. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year. Many Americans make New Year's resolutions.

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Dayis celebrated on the third Monday in January. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was an African-American clergyman who is recognized for his tireless efforts to win civil rights for all people through nonviolent means.

Washington's Birthday

Washington's Birthdayis observed the third Monday of February in honor George Washington, the first President of the United States. This date is commonly called Presidents' Day and many groups honor the legacy of past presidentson this date.

Memorial Day

Memorial Dayis a observed the last Monday of May. It originally honored the people killed in the American Civil War, but has become a day on which the American dead of all wars are remembered.

Independence Day

Independence Dayis July 4. This holiday honors the nation's birthday - the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts, and fireworks.

Columbus Day

Columbus Dayis a celebrated on the second Monday in October. The day commemorates October 12, 1492, when Italian navigator Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. The holiday was first proclaimed in 1937 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Veterans Day

Veterans Dayis celebrated on November 11. This holiday was originally called Armistice Day and established to honor Americans who had served in World War I. It now honors veterans of all wars in which the U.S. has fought. Veterans' organizations hold parades, and the president places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Dayis celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims held a three-day feast to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Many regard this event as the nation's first Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving feast became a national tradition and almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, and pumpkin pie.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a celebrated on December 25. Christmas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become holiday traditions even for many non-Christian Americans.

New words:


Columbus Day-Калумбо күні

Veterans day-Ветерандар күні

Originally-оригиналды (түпнұсқалық)



the legacy-мұра, мирас


the adoption- қалыптасу

commemorates- тойлау

a wreath- гүл шоғы

feast- пир

II group. “National celebrations of Kazakhstan”

Kazakhstan is a large multinational country which is rich with its both old traditions and new ones acquired for the period of Independence. The Republic of Kazakhstan observes international holidays such as New Year, 8 March but it also has holidays specific only for this country such as Unity Day,Capital Day etc.
All the holidays of Kazakhstan may be divided into national, state and professional ones. The national holidays are held in honor of the events having a special historical importance for the development of independent Kazakhstan. Celebration of the national holidays is accompanied with holding of official events. Such holiday is considered Independence Day of Kazakhstan.
The state holidays are devoted to the events having social and political importance, they also include traditional Kazakh holidays. This category of the holidays includes New Year, 8 March,Nauryz, Unity Day, Capital Day, Constitution Dayetc.

In addition to these holidays Kazakhstan has another type of holidays – professional ones celebrated by some categories of citizens:

• Fatherland Defender’s Day – 7 May
• Political Repression Victims Memory Day -31 May
• The Republic of Kazakhstan National Symbols’ Day – 4 June
• Police Day – 23 June
• Health Professionals’ Day (third Sunday of June)
• Press, Television and Radio Day (last Sunday of June)
• Diplomatic Service Day - 2 July
• Tax Service Day – 6 July
• Metal-Maker’s Day (third Sunday of July)
• Transport and Communication Workers’ Day (first Sunday of August)
• Builders’ Day – (second Sunday of August)
• Sports Day (third Sunday of August)
• Miner’ Day (last Sunday of August)
• Knowledge Day – 1 September

The holidays of national and state nature are days off for the whole Kazakhstan population. These days Kazakhstan holds open-air merrymaking and official events. Various festive events and festive concerts with participation of both Kazakhstan and foreign stars are arranged for the country’s population.

New words:

Multinational-көп ұлтты

Acquired-қалап алу

Observes- бақылау нысанасы




Accompanied-шығарып салу


Miner’ Day- минералды


2.Working with poster : “What mean these words?” 4 min.

New Year

December 25

Constitution Day


8 March

Capital day

23 June


National holidays

Independence Day

Washington's Birthday

Second Monday in October

New Year's Eve

January 1

Thanksgiving Day

Christopher Columbus

3.Guess the holiday: slaid4 min.

I group

• It is a public American Holiday, which is dedicated to the birth of the state.
• The festival in honour of all saints, now celebrated as a masquerade with costumes of different wicked characters such as witches, skeletons, ghosts.
• For this holiday people buy greeting cards and flowers and give presents to women.
• The holiday connected with some historical events, when people get together and thank for the good things that they have.
• This holiday is marked in honour of the resurrection of Jesus.
• A celebration where the people show their affection to each other.
• All the people have a lot of fun; they play jokes on each other. This is the day of national good humour.
(April Fool's Day, Independence Day, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Mother's Day, Halloween, St. Valentine Day).

II group

The Republic of Kazakhstan observes international holidays such as….

The national holidays are held in honor of the events having a special historical importance for the development….

•The festival in honour of all saints, now celebrated as a masquerade with costumes of different wicked characters such as witches, skeletons, ghosts.
• For this holiday people buy greeting cards and flowers and give presents to women.
• The holiday connected with some historical events, when people get together and thank for the good things that they have.
• This holiday is marked in honour of the resurrection of Jesus.

(New Year,Unity Day, 2 July, Capital day, Nauryz, Independence Day )

Dance “Macarena”.

III. Idea-reflection.Conclusion.

1.Relaxation "A national symbol" chard. 3 min.

2. Interview with teacher of history about the theme “Kazakhstan people assembly2015 year". Audio.5 min.

We must strengthen faithful at all the wasp of Kazakhstan!

There are we needed our One-one!

It is locks - to the future of Kazakhstan.

(To thefuture Effulgent line is a line, that will begin"

Message’s of the President N.A. Nazarbaeyv)

- Good morning, Bakytzhan Bauyrzhanuly !

- Good morning, Indira Aibarovna!

- What Assembly people of Kazakhstan to conduct it year was reason?

- Kazakhstan people assembly year conducts conception (further not Conclude ) Kazakhstan republic president Kazakhstan people assembly ХХІsession gives task corresponding prepares.

- What you about year Assembly people of Kazakhstan talk?

-2015 year conducts anniversary 20 anniversary Assembly people of Kazakhstan. This momentous envies 2015 year presence measure dedicated is, and 2014 year 18 Aprilpasses assembly ХХІ' session Kazakhstan republic president, assembly chairman N.A.Nazarbayev being a head ofyear talks year Assembly people of Kazakhstan published.

- If you talk bases conception year Assembly people of Kazakhstan?

-Kazakhstan, one aim, general value, eternity is a country general national idea place around single citizen ship community strengthens multinational country is. My public finished speaking to provide unity

Democracy society, important condition forming legal andsocial the state.
"Eternity is Country" . This countrie's uniting force, source of power, that never will end not!
And I 2015 year head of the state Assembly people of Kazakhstan
I support suggestion anniversary 20 anniversary about asale.

- Thank you very much, Good bye, see you!

- Good bye!

3. Game “Bingo”. 3 min.

I group II group












Presidential election



Multinational country




Capital day



Bald eagle




New Year







Christmas Day





3. Your hometask write essay about " Kazakhstan people assembly", to learn new words.

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