Материал для оформления кабинета - "Tongue twisters"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Nowadays tongue twisters still have practical uses. A tongue twister is defined as a phrase or sentence that is hard to speak fast, usually because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds. Tongue twisters are part of the folklore of many cultures, and were used in elocution books as “recreations in articulation” designed to perfect the principles of perfect the principles of perfect pronunciation.


Tongue twisters are sometimes used in speech therapy. They are also used to help get rid of an accent. Dentists ask patients to say these words rhymes in order to check new plates and sets of false teeth. Television and film directors sometimes ask actors and actresses to recite a tongue twister to see how clear their speech is. Teachers ask their students to repeat tongue twisters several times, as quickly as they can… Of course most of these rhymes are recited just for fun or to test concentration. The most important rule to remember when reciting tongue twisters is to say the rhyme quickly and clearly – and as many times in succession as possible, without making a mistake.



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Просмотров: 93

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