Материалы к уроку 8 класс MEALS

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


I.                   Warming-up activities

a)     Read the poem, Paying attention to the sound [I:], [d3].

Sweet porridge hot.

Sweet porridge hot, sweet porridge cold;

Sweet porridge in the pot, nine days old.

Some like it hot, some like it cold.

Some like it in the pot, nine days old.

b)    Memory Test.

Look through the poem for 1 minute. Then cover it and reproduce by heart.

c)     Webbing.

Divide class into 3 groups, choose the managers of each groups who are to write on the board as many words as they know on the topic “Meals” for 2 minutes.

Group I  



Group II



Group III



II.                 Talking point

How many meals a day do your family have? Make up sentences using this chart.
















a day.


III.              Reading skills.

“English Meals”

a)     Pre-reading task: Practise in reading new words and find the sentences with them in the text below.

The English usually have 4 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, 5 o’clock tea and dinner. Breakfast can be full “English breakfast”, of cornflakes with milk and sugar, porridge, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee. Some people have just a cup of tea or coffee with toast. This is called a “continental breakfast”. At midday (about 1 p.m.) they’ve got lunch. People go to coffee bars to have a snack.

At 5 p.m. Englishman have tea with cakes and sandwiches.

Dinner is the main meal of a day. It’s usually at about 7 p.m. The first course may be soup. The main course is fish or meat, roast beef and a lot of vegetables. The dessert is something sweet, such as a fruit pie or cheese with biscuits.

The English are fond of tea. But they don’t like tea with lemon, only with milk and without sugar. They like to have a nice cup of tea 6 or 8 times a day.

b)    Comprehension.

Find the answers to the following questions in the text:

1)    How many mealsa day do the English have?

2)    What’s the traditional English breakfast like?

3)    What do they usually eat at dinner?

4)    When do they have dinner?

5)    Do they drink much or little tea?

Active lexis:

Cornflakes – кукурузныехлопья;

Baconandeggs – бекон и яичница;

Atoast – хлеб поджаренный в тостере;

Marmalade – джем;

Main – основной;

course – блюдо;

Roastbeef – ростбиф;

A pie – пирог;

To have a snack – перекусить;

A sandwich – бутерброд;

The dessert – десерт;

NB! P.m. – post meridian

It’s interesting to know! English tea is tea with milk. Russian tea is tea with lemon.

Hometask (out-of-class activities:)

·        Learn the active lexis

·        Study the text and get ready for the discussion and comparison of English and Ukrainian meals.

Talking point

a)     In pairs discuss similarities and differences between English and Ukrainian meals.

b)    Divide class into two groups. The English and the Ukrainians. They are to ask each other questions about their national meals:

Start like this:

E: Hello!

U: Hello! We’re glad to meet you at this café

E: Thanks. The same about me.

U: What are you going to order?

E: Well, as you see, it’s breakfast time. But we don’t feel hungry in the morning. So, we’ll have a light or a continental breakfast – just coffee with toast and what about you?

U: You see, we are planning to have black coffee with some sandwiches and biscuits. You know, many Ukrainians are hearty eaters and they prefer a big breakfast.

E: Yes, we know it. Some Englishmen are fond of eating bacon and eggs and porridge for breakfast. It’s big, too.

U: O.k. Good appetite.

E: The same to you.

Consult the dictionary:

A light breakfast, to feel hungry, a hearty eater

NB! Learn the introductory expressions:

·        As a rule – как правило;

·        I see – я понимаю;

·        You see – как посмотреть;

·        Asforme… - что касается меня…;

·        And what about you? – авы?

    С)  Make up your own dialogues and act them out.

Writing skills:

Complete Ann’s story, using the words from the box:

Family, 3, main, tea, vegetable, drink, hungry, are, first.


Hi! I’m Ann. I am from Kyiv, Ukraine. My family have got___meals a day. For breakfast we have___with milk. As for my mom, she always drinks___without sugar. We don’t feel___in the morning, so our___is light. My dinner is at 3 p.m., but my parents___away from home. For the___course I’ve got soup, for the___course it’s fish or meat with potatoes. In the evening our___ is at home. Supper is at about 7 p.m. We like salad, spaghetti with cheese or ham. We___tea or cocoa with cookies.

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