Открытый урок " A day of my life"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

The theme of the lesson: A day of my life

The aims of the lesson:



1. to be able to speak about the family, clothes, time, colour, job. To check up their knowledge on this theme

Practical aims

1. to develop listening, writing and speaking abilities

2. to check up the knowledge of lexic

Developing aims:

1. to improve students'motivation and participation

in classroom activities

2. to stimulate students' to a learning foreign language

Visual aids: a computer, projector

Visual materials: cards, wallpaper, pictures

The procedure of the lesson.

Organization moment:


Teacher’s activityPupils’ activity

- Good afternoon, children!- Goodafternoon, good afternoon

Good afternoon too you

Good afternoon and teacher

How are you?

- I’m very well, thank you! And you?- We are fine.

- Sit down, please

- Who is on duty today?- I’m on duty today.

- Who is absent?- All are present.

-What day is it today?- Today is…wednesday

-What date is it today?- Today is the 15th of december

Begining of lesson

Well, let’s begin our lesson.Today, we will revise our last material and speak about week.

Today we have unusual lesson, we have a travel lesson. Before to travel we must buy a ticket.If you answer the questions you can buya ticket, well who wants to answer?



1st station is called “Family’’

In this station there are some tasks, you must do it,

The 1st station is called “ clothes”

Task #3put in order. Thereare given pictures with words but you must put it in order, Ok?

The 2 nd station is called “Colours”

Answer my questions, what’s this?It is a pen

Rhyme about colourspring is green, summer is bright

Autumn is yellow, winter is white

Well, children may be you are tired, let’s sing song ”the happy song”

Now let’s continue our travel the next station is called “Time”

what time is it?(4.00)it is four o‘clock….

Match the time

.it is twelve o’clock

it is quarter to seven

12.00it is ten past four

6.30it is quarter past five

6.45it is half past six

Now who knowsa poem about time?Mind the clock, keep the rule

Try to come, in time to school

The next station is called “Jobs”

You must guess the crossword










and now we stop in this station is called “’week’’

well repeat all together(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday, Sunday )


Your hometask will be Ex 10 p 83


Today you’ve worked very hard, thank you for your participate.

Your marks for today…..

The end of the lesson

The lesson is over .

Good bye childrenGood bye teacher!

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