Открытый урок английского языка на тему «Защита окружающей среды»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Открытый урок в рамках областного семинара по теме «Современные технологии на уроках» 2008/2009 уч.год.

Урок в 7 «Б» классе на тему: “Защита окружающей среды” “Environment protection”.

Урок построен с использованием лингафонного оборудования.

Ход урока:

1. Орг.момент. Определение целей урока совместно с детьми.

2. На основе темы урока составьте слова с каждой буквы.

But first let’s remember words.

- I offer you to find words on each letter. (дети выходят к доске и пишут слова по теме на каждую букву темы урока)


3. Отработка лексики в парах.

- Check each other. Ask words and words combinations.

- Time is over.

-Now let’s do this cross words. I’ll give you 3 minutes.

-Are you ready, let’s check it.

-Put mark for these tasks. Who has no mistake put down 5? 1-2 mistakes – 4, 3-4 “3”, 5 and over “2”.

4. Речевая разминка. 

Please answer my question. What word “environment” mean?

- What environment may be? ( town environment and countryside environment)

-Which is better& Why? (Крюкова)

- Why is town environment worse? (Севастьянова)

You are right. As for me, I’d like to live in countryside environment.

5. Работа над текстом песни.

Children, when we say the Earth is in danger. What exactly is in danger? Open your books p. 64 ex.5

-Well, let’s listen to the poem. Guess who is speaking in the first verse... Turn on. Put your ear-phones.

-Answer the questions: Who speaks in the first , second, third …?

- Let’s read this poem again and give it a name. Ex.8 help you.

- Sing along. Do you like this song?


6. Беседа по содержанию песни.

-What problems discussed in this song? ( air, water, land pollution, animals in danger)

- What causes air pollution? -What causes water pollution?

-What causes land pollution?

-How can we help the atmosphere?

-plant trees

-don’t use cars, buses

-use filters

-don’t use aerosols

-don’t cut down trees

-don’t test nuclear weapon

-don’t burn rubbish

-How can we help rivers, lakes, ponds, seas, oceans?

-don’t drop litter into the river

-factories must not pour industrial waste

-don’t kill fish

-don’t wash cars near lakes and rivers

-What should we do to walk on a clean land?

-don’t leave litter

-don’t make fire

-don’t kill animals, plants

-don’t use chemicals

-don’t bury rubbish

7. Беседа о проблеме переработки некоторых видов отходов.

By the way. Who knows how long rubbish lasts? Try to guess. Now I hope that you won’t drop any litter. You see the rubbish problem is very important now. Look at this poster «Litter lasts...”.

8. Аудирование (экологическая организация Green Peace).

–Do you know ecological organizations which help our nature? (Green Peace)

-But do you know what it does?

-Open your books p.66 ex.11. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words.

-Now exchange with your copy-books listen to the tape recorder and check each other.

-If you have no mistakes put 5 1 mistake-4 2 mistakes-3 3 and over 2/

9. Работа в группах на тему «Как мы можем помочь планете». Делаем дерево «защиты окружающей среды», наклеивая листочки на ветки.

And the last task. Discuss in groups how you can help our planet. Write down it (your suggestions) on these leaves).

According to your suggestions let’s make our tree. This tree will show our respect to nature. -First group stick your leaves.

-Now you see that everyone wants to save our planet. Our nature is in danger. We should protect it because we want to save our beautiful planet for the next generations.

10. Обобщение темы урока в форме стиха.

11. Домашнее задание.

12. Итоги урока. Заполняем таблицу достижений («My achievement»).

My achievement Mark

1.I know all words, can write some of them.

2.I can describe air, water, land pollution.

3.I know how long litter lasts.

4.I have understood the text about Green Peace.

5.I can tell about environmental protection.

If you get 23 –25 it’s brilliant.

If you get 19 –22 it’s very good.

If you get 15 –18 it’s satisfactory.

If you get 11 –14 it’s bad.

Thank you for the lesson. You all have worked hard & tried to do your best. Hand in your sheets with your achievement. Good buy.

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