Открытый урок по английскому языку " My house "

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


Is your living room large?

Yes, it is large and cozy.

Is there a table in the living room?

No, there isn’t.

What is there in it?

There is a brown sofa, an armchair and two carpets on the wall.

How many windows are there?

There are two windows.

Do you like your living room?

Yes, I do.

Is your kitchen large or small?

It is small and modern.

Is there mirror in it?

No, there isn’t.

What is there in your kitchen?

There is a fridge, gas cooker, a washing machine and a sink.

Is there a dishwasher?

No, there isn’t. but there are many cupboards.

Are there two windows in the kitchen?

No, there is 1 window with white curtains on it

Proverbs. Мақал-мәтелдерді құрастырып, қазақша баламасын айту

East or west Home is best

Әркімге өз үйі – Мысыр шаһары

There is no place like home.

Айхай менің, өз үйім кең сарайдай боз үйім.

Home, sweet home.

Өз үйім - өлең төсегім.

My house is my castle.

Үйің болса, күйің болады

My house is my cradle.

Өз үйім – менің қорғаным.

Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse.

Битке өкпелеп, тоныңды отқа жақпа

Breadth of the soul conceals the narrowness of the house.

Көңіл сыйса, бәрі сыяды

In the house with children there are no secrets.

Балалы үйдің ұрлығы жатпас.

Reciting poems and sing songs. Тақпақ, өлеңдер айту.

This is my house

This is my house

It’s number two

There is a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen too.

In my house

There is a living room

And in the garden

All the flowers bloom.

“My House”

I’m looking for a house

Said the little brown mouse, with

One room for breakfast

One room for tea

One room for supper

And that makes three.

One room to dance in,

When I give a ball,

A kitchen and a bedroom-

Six room all.

My House

Let's go to my house.

Let's go today.

I'll show you all the rooms

Where we work and play.

Here is the kitchen

Where Mother cooks for me.

Here is the living room

Where I watch TV.

Here is the dining room.

We eat here every day.

And this room is my room

Where I sleep and play.

Put prepositions. There is or there are. Демеуліктерді қою. There is немесе there are құрылымын қою.

1. The carpet is (on /under/ above) the floor.

2. The clock is (above /behind /on) the bed.

3. The armchair is (at /in /on) the room.

4. The chair is (between /at /under) the table.

5. The phone is (on /in /at) the wall.

1) There ... a lovely woman in the kitchen.

There ... five shelves with books in his room.

3) There ... no mice in my house.

4) There ... no children in the bathroom.

5) There ... a sofa, a table and three chairs in the living room.

Project work: “My dream house”. Жоба қорғау: «Менің арманымдағы үй».

My house

Our house is big. We have 3 rooms a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a hall, a corridor and a cellar. We have 10 windows, a large yard and a small garden. There are some trees in our yard. We have 2 sheds, a kennel and a banya and a toilet and a garage.

There is a sink and shelves for shoes in the corridor.

Our living room is large. The floor of our living room is brown, the ceiling and walls are white. The curtains are red and pink.

There is a cozy brown sofa and 2 armchair and 2 carpets on the wall.

My house.

Our family has a house in the center of the village. It is not large. It has only one floor. The house is made of brick.

There are three rooms in our house: a living-room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a hall. The living-room is large. The other rooms are not large. The rooms are not very high, but they are light.

We have a table, several chairs, two arm-chairs, a side-board, a bookcase and a sofa in the living-room. One of the bedrooms is my room. I share it with my brother. There is a table in the middle of the room. There are two chairs near the table. There is a wardrobe opposite the bed. I usually do

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