План урока английского языка по теме «Проблемы экологии и пути их решения». 7-й класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Цель: к концу урока учащиеся научатся вести диалог по теме “Экологические проблемы” с использованием изученной лексики.Задачи:Развивать навыки говорения, чтения и аудирования на уроке.Прививать интерес к иностранному языку.Воспитывать в детях чувство уважения к окружающей среде.Отработать пройденную лексику по теме, структуру вопросительных предложений.Закрепить пройденный материал: составить диалоги по теме “Экологические проблемы”.Оборудование: мультимедиа, магнитофонПриложение: презентация к урокуХод урокаOrganization moment:- Hello, my dear students, I am very glad to see you at the English lesson. What date is it today? What day is it today? How are you today? (Students answer)- Sit down, please. Look at the blackboard and tell me what the theme of our lesson is today (см. презентацию, 1 слайд). (Students answer) OK, you are right; today we have the last lesson about ecological problems. And by the end of the lesson you will have to study making dialogues and talking about ecological problems and the ways of solving these problems. So let's begin. On your desks you see the papers with Russian words about ecology, translate these words in English, and do it in groups. Words for the 1 group: окружающая среда, воздух, вода, экологические проблемы, помогать, загрязнять, мусор, перерабатывать, пластик, стекло. Words for the 2 group: защищать, вырубать, лес, костер, животные, спасать, чистый, Земля, живые существа. (students translate and say them to the teacher). Good of you!- Now look at the screen. These are the photos about ecological problems. Tell me what you see at these photos and the ecological problem, using the full sentences. (Students answer)Answers: 1. I see the campfire on the photo. This is the problem of fires. 2. I see how people cut down the forest. 3. I see a working car, this is the pollution of air. 4. I see the rubbish in the river, this is the pollution of water. 5. I see the litter in the forest, this is the pollution of forests. 6. I see the factory, this is the pollution of air. 7. I see the dirty step on the Earth, this is the pollution of our planet.- All right, good of you! Now the next task. I have the ball in my arms, I will throw the ball to you and I will say the word in English and you will have to say the word combination or sentence with my word. For example: I say “to pollute”, you say “to pollute the water or people pollute the water”. OK, let's begin. (the words for this game: to protect, to drop, to recycle, to cut down, to kill, to pollute, to save, to keep, to love). Very good, I'm glad to hear it.- So, your homework was to make the project about what you think of ecological problems.

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