План урока на тему What should I do to keep fit?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The forms: 7 V

The theme of the lesson: What should you do to keep fit?

The aims of the lesson:

*        Образовательная: обобщение лексического материала по теме "Health", обобщение грамматического материала (модальный глагол "should")

*        Развивающая: развитие навыков говорения, чтения и письма по теме, развитие памяти, внимания и мышления,

*        Воспитательная: воспитание здоровых привычек и культуры здорового образа жизни, воспитание умения работать в сотрудничестве.

Visual aids: pictures, cards.

I.                   Organization moment

-          Good afternoon, pupils.

-          How are you?

-          Thank you, sit down.

-          Who is on duty today?

-          What date is it today?

-          What day is it today?

-          Who is absent today?

-          What season is it now?

-          What is the weather like today?

II.                Checking up the homework

-          What was your homework for today?

-          Are you ready?

-          You please.

-          And you please.

III.             Doing exercises

-          Ex. 1 on p. 114. Read each of the following list of four words. One word does not belong in each list. Find it and put a circle round it.

a.       Ill, sick, sad, unwell.

b.      Doctor, nurse, teacher, chemist.

c.       Sleep, take care of, nurse, look after.

d.      Headache, a sore throat, toothache, pill.

-          Ex. 2 on p. 115. Here are some things a person can do to take care of his/her health. Which two do you think are the most important?

-          Not smoking               Taking regular exercises               Eating good quality food

Having regular check-ups              Dieting to keep your weight down

Not drinking alcohol

-          Ex. 3 on p. 115. Now complete of these sentences. Write the sentence down and hand it to the teacher. The other students will try to guess which sentence is your.

a.       Eating good quality food is the most important thing you can do to take care of your health because we must be healthy.

b.      The things I do to take care of my health are: not smoking, eating good quality food.

c.       I think that having regular check-ups is more important for your health than taking regular exercises.              

-          Let’s repeat the modal verb “should” and “shouldn’t”. Shouldупотребляется для выражения совета, то есть того, что говорящий считает правильным, полезным.

-          And now there are some expressions on the blackboard. Read these expressions.

-          Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables

-          Wash your hands before eating

-          Smoke

-          Watch TV too long

-          Take regular exercises

-          Clean your teeth once a day

-          Sleep enough

-          Take a cold shower

-          Eat too many sweets

-          Drink an alcohol

-          Have regular check- ups

-          Air the room

-          And now you must divide them into two groups.

-          You should and you shouldn’t.

-          And now let’s divide them into two groups.

You should

-          Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables

-          Wash your hands before eating

-          Take regular exercises

-          Sleep enough

-          Take a cold shower

-          Air the room

-          Have regular check-ups

You shouldn’t

-          Smoke

-          Watch TV too long

-          Clean your teeth once a day

-          Eat too many sweets

-          Drink an alcohol

IV.             Conclusion

There are a lot of proverbs about health. You must put these words in right order to make up proverbs. 

-          Health is better than wealth-Здоровьедорожебогатства- Денсаулықзорбайлық. 
A sound mind in a sound body- Вздоровомтелездоровыйдух - Жанысаудыңтәнісау. 

-          Better safe than sorry- Лучшепоберечьсязаранее, чемжалетьпотом-Сақтанғандықұдайсақтайды. 

-          An apple a day keeps the doctor away – Кто яблокосъедает, у того врач не бывает. – Жарлының байлығы – денінің саулығы.

V.                Giving the homework

-          Ex. 5 on p. 115. Choose your answer to each question, and then add up your score.

VI.             Putting marks


VII.          The end of the lesson






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