Поурочное планирование по английскому языку на тему

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Theme: Comparison degrees of adjectives

Aim: To teach pupils to use lexical units on theme: “Friend” in oral speech and in writing, to get full information through reading and listening.

Knowledge tasks: to explain the using of comparison degrees of adjectives.

Up-bringing tasks: To bring up pupils’ careful attitude to friends, classmates; to bring up pupils’ desire to help and protect them.

Developing tasks: To develop pupils’ reading, speaking, listening, writing skills, abilities in classifying information into meaningful groups and selecting the main information.

Technology: communicative

Type of the lesson: new

Material needed: pictures,flipcharts








  1. Greetings
  2. Every day questions
  3. Thanks to you I have someone to turn to,

someone to run to when things go wrong.


I. New knowledge about comparison of adjectives

  1. One-syllable adjectives form the comparative and superlative degrees by adding the suffixes ER, EST: black – blacker
  2. Most two-syllable adjectives, including adjectives ending in the suffixes "al, ant, ent, ish, ive, ic, ous, ful, less", form the comparative and superlative degrees with the help of MORE, MOST:

active, more active, most active;

  1. If an adjective ends in Y preceded by a consonant, Y is changed to I before adding ER, EST:

busy, busier, busiest;

  1. If final Y is preceded by a vowel, Y doesn't change before adding ER, EST: gray, grayer, grayest.
  2. If an adjective ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, the consonant is doubled before adding ER, EST: big, bigger, biggest
  3. Several adjectives have irregular forms of the comparative and superlative degrees: good, better, best; bad, worse, worst; many/much, more, most; little, less (lesser), least; far, farther, farthest; far, further, furthest.


Teacher explains the rules


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