Prepositions, 8th grade
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I ROUND Prepositions of time and place1. A question of timing 1. During2. In3. On4. For5. After6. In7. In8. In9. On10. By11. Behind12. On13. Within14. After15. At16. From17. Tp18. Past19. By20. Until21. In22. Since23. For24. On25. In 2. Time expressions 1. In future2. Out of date3. At times4. At the moment5. From time to time 6. Not for long7. In the end8. Without delay9. In progress10. In the meantime11. In season12. In no time13. To this day14. For the time being15. Before long 3. Pairs of prepositions 1. Above, over2. In, at3. On, on to4. Below, under5. Into, in6. To, at7. Before, in front of8. On, in9. In, at10. At, in11. Since, for12. Between, among13. Out of, outside14. Over, above15. Until, by16. Within, by17. Through, during18. Next to, near19. By, on20. Under, below 4. Joke time 1. From2. To, into/through3. In/for4. In5. In/during, at6. On7. After8. Into9. From, on10. On, at, for11. IntoII ROUND Verb + Preposition1. Matching pairs 1. E2. A3. L4. J5. D6. K7. H8. I9. F10. C11. G12. B2. Verb groups 1. AT: glance, hint, marvel, point, wink2. FOR: apply, cater, compensate, long, vote3. FROM: abstain, benefit, depart, expel, flee4. IN: believe, decrease, delight, indulge, invest5. OF: approve, consist, dispose, dream, take advantage6. ON: concentrate, depend, enrol, rely, tread7. TO: appeal, dedicate, object, respond, subscribe8. WITH: coincide, collaborate, cope, quarrel, sympathize 3. Against, at, by, for, in, over 1. Over2. In3. Against4. In5. For6. At7. By8. At9. Against10. Over/through11. Against12. At13. For14. By 4. About, from, into, on, to 1. About2. On3. Into4. From5. About6. To7. On8. On 9. From 10. On 11. Into12. About13. To III ROUNDNoun + Preposition1. Matching pairs 1. G2. E3. K4. C5. J6. I7. H8. B9. A10. L11. D12. F 2. Fill the gaps 1. Opposite of2. Problem with3. Choice between4. Excuse for5. Knowledge of6. Objection to 7. Fall in8. Freedom from9. Genius at10. Basis for11. Control over12. Cruelty to13. Strain on14. Campaign against15. Anger against 3. Compound prepositions. 1. At a cost of2. At peace with3. By means of4. For the benefit of5. In agreement with6. In answer to7. On behalf of8. On good terms with9. Out of pity for10. Under the influence of11. With reference to12. With the compliments of 4. Fill the gaps.1. For2. In3. At4. For5. Of6. On/about7. With8. Of9. About10. In11. By12. Over13. In14. For15. To IV ROUND 1. Noun groups 1. AT: first, dawn, least, lunch2. BY: accident, heart, name, Salvador Dali3. IN: a moment, fact, future, private4. ON: holiday, sale, schedule, strike 2. ON + noun 1. Sight2. Account3. Time4. Market5. Hold6. Order7. Journey8. Diet9. Own10. Behavior11. Approval12. Impulse13. Credit14. Business15. Holiday 3. Jumbled sentences. 1. (d) hospital2. (l) plane3. (i) detail4. (g) public5. (o) love6. (c) existence7. (k) difficulty8. (n) future9. (b) luxury10. (m) disguise11. (e) focus12. (j) doubt13. (a) fashion14. (f) general15. (h) fact 4. At, by, in, on, out of 1. In2. In3. By4. Out of5. On 6. At7. By8. At9. In10. On11. Out of12. At13. Out of14. At 5. Against, at, off, on, under 1. At2. On3. At4. Against5. On6. Against7. Off8. Under9. At10. Under11. On12. Under13. Off14. Off15. Under 6. Proverbs and sayings 1. In, in2. Against3. Between4. Up5. In6. In7. Over8. From9. With10. Out of11. Out of, out of12. Out of, into13. Before14. On 15. Without
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