Презентация к уроку «Чудеса света» 11 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
Ход урока   I.Организационный момент Вступительное слово учителя:                                                                                                           There are things in the world that make unforgettable impression on you when you see them. They take your breath away and make you think about the unique character of our planet and people living on it. They are both natural and man-made. In fact, every person could make his own list of them, whatever they may be – objects or people. So what do you think we are going to speak about now?  Wonders of the world. Слайд 1 True! And what do you think we shall do during the lesson? What are your expectations? The pupils express their points.                                                                                                                                                 Right, we’ll see it at the end of the lesson.   II. Лексическая разминка c элементами проверки домашнего задания. Do you remember I gave you the list of the world’s wonders at the previous lesson and asked you to choose some of them to describe? Now let us do ex.2, p. 127, look at the categories and decide what three wonders you’d like to include in each of the lists. Слайд 2-7                                                                                                                                                 III. Игра – загадка «Чудеса Света» 1. It is located in the capital city of Greece, Athens. It was built on the Acropolis hill by the genius architect Phidias, and was dedicated to Athena-warrior. Most of its sculptures are displayed in the British Museum in London now. What is it?  Слайд 8  (Parthenon)   2. It’s a series of landscape terraces raised one above another. The water from Euphrates was used to water the beautiful plant growing on the terraces. What was I speaking about? Cлайд 9  (The Hanging Gardens of Babylon)   3.It’s a temple. It was built in Ephesus – one of the biggest cities of ancient Asia. The most beautiful statues in it were made for the goddess, who was the protector of Ephesus. Her name is …a secret – she is the goddess of hunting and youth. So what was I speaking about? Слайд10  (The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus)   4. It’s a mausoleum or a tomb. It is situated in Bodrum, modern Turkey. The structure became so famous that the name of the king who was buried there is now associated with all stately tombs called mausoleums. What wonder did I tell you about? Cлайд 11 (The Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus)   5. The monument was erected on an island which is located where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean. The last conqueror of the island was Alexander the Great. When he died the war for the control over the island broke out. The population of the island gained freedom and to celebrate this victory they erected a giant statue of god Helios, but an earthquake hit the island and the statue collapsed. Слайд 12 (The Colossus of Rhodes) 6. It was built on the island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt, to serve as a port's landmark. At the top of it was positioned a mirror which reflected sunlight during the day; a fire was lit at night. It was destroyed as a result of earthquakes. What is it called?   Cлайд 13 (The Lighthouse at Alexandria) IV. Здоровьесберегающая пауза.   V. Работа с аудированием: ex.5, page 130 - tape 13.You will hear the text about “Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages”. Your task is to match the names of some of these wonders (1-4) with the statements (a-d) below the picture on page 131. Слайд 9   VI. Работа с говорением.                                                                                                                                                             We were speaking about wonderful people today and none of you mentioned such name as Hitler, for instance. So I’ve realized that you have mixed attitudes to the definition of the word “wonder’ from the point of fame and notoriety. It’ll be extremely interesting to hear your personal points. Let’s do ex. 4 p. 130.   VII. Работа с лексико-грамматическими упражнениями. Учащиеся выполняют упражнения на закрепление лексики и словообразование, упражнения на повторение придаточных условия и времени, модальные глаголы и типы придаточных предложений (упр.14 стр. 57, упр.15 стр. 58, упр. 17 стр.59, упр. 21 стр. 63).   VIII. Рефлексия и подведение итогов урока. Our class lasted only 45 minutes, but we have managed to make a delightful trip and have been to many gorgeous sights all over the world. The main idea I want you to remember is that each country has its own wonders. But can such wonders belong only to one country? It seems they should be the whole world’s possessions. Can the world we live in be somebody’s property? No, it’s unique, it’s our home, and we are bound to respect everything that is around us both natural and man-made. Life is the greatest gift and the most incredible wonder our planet gives us. I want you to keep it in mind and be respectful, caring and merciful people! Слайд 16  
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