Презентация по английскому языку на тему "School" (7 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

Целью презентации к уроку по теме "School" является повторить и обобщить пройденный материал. Данная презентация составлена по материалам учебника "Happy English.ru" для 7 класса.

3-4 слайды - активизация лексического материала

5 слайд - контроль навыков аудирования:

 Now you have many subjects at your timetable. I’ll describe some lessons and you have to name them. Be attentive! 


  1. At this lesson you read English texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games. (English)
  2. At this lesson you draw and paint. You paint nice pictures.(Art)
  3. At this lesson you learn about different countries, about climate, rivers and mountains. (Geography)
  4. At this lesson you read, write, do exercises, ask and answer questions, learn the rules. You speak Russian. (Russian)
  5. At this lesson you don’t read and write. You run, jump, play games.. (Physical Education)
  6. At this lesson you learn about different animals and plants of our planet.(Biology)
  7. At this lesson you learn how to work on a computer, try to make your own programs. (Information Technology)
  8. At this lesson you read interesting books, learn many rhymes by heart, write compositions. (Literature).                                       6-8 слайды - монологические высказывания.                               9 слайд - поисковое чтение:                                              We got a letter from Nick. Read this letter and answer some questions.                                                                                  Hi! I am Nick  I go to the best school in Canada. I really like my school. The building is big and very old. It is a boarding school-that means we live there.Every day we have about 6 lessons. From 2 o’clock to 4 we usually do some sports. I like football best of all. Then we have tea and some rest. My favourite subject is English. It is fantastic. At the lessons we play a lot ,sing songs and even dance sometimes. Our teacher is very good. We can agree or disagree with him whenever we want to. At the beginning of the lesson we listen to the tape recorder and answer questions .If we don't pronounce English sound well we work at them at home. The exercises are interesting to me.I always get “excellent” for my English classes. Well, not always-sometimes…   I hate it when somebody makes crib sheets, they are so small that you can’t read the letters, so they don’t help really. If a teacher finds them, he will give you detention. I myself got detention when I tried skiving off. It was because of one of our sneaks. She told the teacher about me. So I had to stay away from school for a week. That was horrible. I had nothing to do at home.  I won’t skip classes any more… I hope …                                                                    Cribsheets – шпаргалки         Skiveoff – сбегать с уроков   Sneak – ябеда                          Skipclasses – удрать с уроков



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Просмотров: 133

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