Презентация по английскому языку на тему: "Здоровье"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

Health is the best wealth

Today we’ll speak about our health, about what we should do to be healthy. During the lesson we’ll discuss how sports, balanced diet help us to be fit, healthy. We shall speak about good and bad habits, about sports and canteen in our college. You will know something interesting and new for you. I hope that our co-operation will be important and useful for you and for me. You see that your health is in your own hands.

1. Warm up.

1.1. Match the words and word-combinations with Russian equivalent.

health - заботитьсяоздоровье

bad / poor health — хрупкое здоровье

good health — регулярныезанятия

to be in bad / poor / ill health — иметьслабоездоровье

to enjoy good health — придерживатьсядиеты

to do exercises — упражняться

regular exercise — крепкоездоровье

not to take drugs – бегатьтрусцой

tojoginthemorning – не принимать наркотики

to keep to a diet- бытьвдобромздравии

to keep fit – здоровье

1.2.Read and translate an English proverb.

Early to bed,

Early to rise.

Makes a man healthy,

Wealthy and wise.

1.3. There are many opportunities for keeping fit: to keep yourself safe from smoking , to keep yourself safe from alcohol , to eat healthy food , to be active . Are you healthy?

Answer the questions.

0-2: Oh, dear! Forget about chips and sweet! You need fruit and vegetables!

3-4: Do more exercises and eat more carefully!

5-6: You keep fit! Well done!

2. Main part of the lesson.

2.1. Agree or disagree with my statements:

For example: Smoking is a bad habit. - That is right. Smoking is a bad habit.

Eating too much sweet is good for your health. That is wrong. Eating too much sweet is bad for your health.

Drinking too much alcohol is a healthy habit.

Eating low-fat food is a bad habit.

Exercising is bad for health.

2.2.Watching video.

But it is very difficult to follow healthy lifestyle. There are many bad habits.They are smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drags. Let’s watch video. Answer the questions:

- Do you like this film?

- Are these bad or good habits?

- What measures should we take against bad habits?

- Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends not to smoke or drink too much alcohol?

2.3. Keep yourself safe from smoking. Match the sentences and the pictures.

A. People who smoke have to put up with a lot of bad things to continue their smoking. Cigarettes cost a lot of money which could be used for other healthier things.

B. Their hair, clothes and breath smell of stale smoke. Teeth and fingers go yellow. Skin looks unhealthy and grey. Their sense of smell and taste are affected.

C. In many countries laws have been made so that there are few places left where they can smoke in public.

D. People have been educated to know the dangers of smoking and passive smoking.

Read the sentences. Comment them using the expressions below.

- I don’t think that’s right!

- It’s awful!

- The situation is awful for all of us!

- That’s great!

- Really?

- It’s a good idea to…

- I feel strongly against it.

- I’m absolutely positive that…

2.4. You often go to the parties. Would you like to take a piece of advice on keeping yourself safe from alcohol?

2.5. Discussion “Why do you need exercise”. Smoking and drinking alcohol are negative sides of our society. Let’s discuss the positive sides.

The first theme for discussion is “Why do you need exercise”. There are some ideas for you:

· I look great.

· It makes me feel fit, strong and healthy.

· It stops me feeling 'stressed out'.

· It's fun to exercise with others.

· I have more energy to do other things.

Discuss the ideas in pairs. What are the most important ideas for you? Add your own ideas to the list. Use dialogue vocabulary.

2.6.I think it’s time to have a rest and to do some exercises.


Take question lists and interview teachers and each other after that you combine the facts and make a report.


1. Is it easy or difficult for you to get up early?

2. Do you skip breakfast?

3. Is your lifestyle regular or chaotic?

4. Do you do morning exercising?


So, it’s good to have healthy habits. Some people believe that the number thirteen brings bad luck. But instead, today, the number thirteen is going to bring you health! And now look through the text “Thirteen healthy habits”, underline these habits in the text, please!

Thirteen Healthy Habits

Some people believe that the number thirteen brings bad luck. But instead, today, the number thirteen is going to bring you health!

Healthy habit number one: eat breakfast every morning. Eating breakfast can help people feel better through the day. And, children who eat breakfast usually do better at school! A good breakfast includes fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Healthy habit number two: eat fish. The American Health Association suggests eating fish two times each week.

Healthy habit number three: sleep enough. Poor sleep quality can affect our memory and learning. Experts advise getting at least seven hours of sleep a night.

Healthy habit number four: make social connections. Spending time with other people can also improve help. An active mind is a healthy mind!

Healthy habit number five: exercise. Exercise is very important for good health. It helps control a person’s body weight. Exercising also helps grow healthy muscles, bones, and joints. It reduces the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. Exercising reduces the risk of death from heart diseases. Exercise helps people to think and move better. It helps manage stress, improves emotions, and gives people lots of energy!

Healthy habit number six: care for your teeth. Research shows that taking care of your teeth can add over six years to your life! So remember to wash, brush and clean between your teeth!

Healthy habit number seven: have a hobby. A hobby is something that you enjoy doing. It could be running, reading or making something with your hands. Hobbies help people to relax and rest. Hobbies bring us joy.

Healthy habit number eight: protect your skin. The sun produces ultraviolet, or UV rays. These rays can harm our skin.

Healthy habit number nine: eat healthy between meals. Eating between meals is called snacking. Many people snack on unhealthy foods - foods that are high in sugar, salt or fat. Fruits and vegetables are a better choice. Remember an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Healthy habit number ten: drink water. Our bodies are made of mostly water. In fact, our bodies are sixty to seventy percent water! Water helps our bodies work right. Water helps to clear our bodies of harmful waste materials. Eight glasses of water a day does a body good!

Healthy habit number eleven: drink tea.

Healthy habit number twelve: take a walk every day.

Healthy habit number thirteen: have a plan. So, the best way to be healthy is to make a plan.

2.9. Read:

General Rules for healthy-eating.

1) Eat more fruits and veggies

2) Don't eat on the run. When you eat fast, you tend to overeat

3) Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re not

4) Eat a good breakfast, and eat multiple, small meals throughout the day

5) Try not to eat much after 7 PM

6) Limit the amount of high-sugar desserts you keep around in the house

Are you a healthy-eater? Tell us about it using

First of all - secondly – thirdly – besides – moreover - in conclusion

2.10. Read the poem.

To be healthy in your life,
Don’t forget to do all five!
Get up early, quick and bright
Ex-s with all your might.
In the morning jump and run,
Eat your healthy breakfast you have
Train your body , train your brain
And all bad habits pass away.

Answer the questions:

- Do you like the poem?

- Are you going to be healthy in your life?

- Is it difficult or easy for you to get up early?

- Do you exercise every day?

- Do you eat breakfast every day?

- What is more important for you: to train body or to train brain?

2.11. Group work. Mini-projects: “What we should do to be healthy and what we shouldn’t do to be healthy”. “Divide what we should do and we shouldn’t do to be healthy. Add the information from exercises and your own information.

get up early and go to bed early


drink alcohol eat too much or too little

wash your hands before you eat

take regular exercises

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Просмотров: 85

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