Развитие языковых навыков школьников на уроках английского языка в процессе работы с литературной сказкой (на материале творчества К.С. Льюиса)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

The use of English literary tales during the English lessons facilitates the educational process, enriches the inner world of the child, teaches students to see the beauty of the person and the nature, pleases and amazes us with language brightness, promotes the esthetic education of pupils, their creative imagination, forces to work more intensively.

Unlimited opportunities of English literary tales allow us not only to interest children in creative activity which will turn back further interest to language studying, but also will allow them to increase the lexical stock, realizing it in speech, to improve grammatical forms of thought expression in a foreign language. Thus, during the work with English literary tales some practical problems of English training are solved: pronunciation, English lexicon, reading and grammatical skills are developed.

Despite of such active attention to the matter, the problem of the use of English literary tales during the English lessons is still multidimensional and difficult. Literary tales are used in educational process, but a teacher doesn’t always manage to reach those goals and tasks which can be achieved with the help of them. Often English literary tales are used only as a means for dramatization and staging, and very rarely – as a way of formation and development of language skills. So this problem continues to remain actual.

The research objective is to define the opportunities of English literary tales as means of formation students’ language skills.

The object of the research is the process of formation of language skills.

The subject of the research is English literary tales as means of formation of language skills.

According to the goals the following problems are formulated and solved:

1.To study psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the problem of formation of language skills.

2.To consider language skills as methodical category.

3.To study the features of English literary fairy tales.

4.To develop and check experimentally the model of formation language skills in the course of work with English literary fairy tales.

The basis for the experiment was 4 "A" class, school № 1, Vikulovo. The study was conducted at English lessons. The research included several stages:

1) to collect information on the problem of the study;

2) to analyze psychological, pedagogical and instructional materials;

3) to develop the model of the experiment;

4) to carry out the experiment;

5) to interpretate the research results;

6) to prepare and write the research.

The scientific newness and theoretical significance of the research are as follows: we managed to concretize the notion "English literary fairy tale", to justify the features of English literary fairy tales in the process of language development and to develop the model of formation of language skills at English lessons in the process of work with English literary fairy tales.

The practical significance of the study: we developed and implemented the model of formation of language skills working with English literary fairy tales. The materials of the research can be used in the educational process of elementary school.

The above goal and the objectives of the research define the content and structure of the final qualifying work, which consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion to each chapter, general conclusions and bibliography.

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Просмотров: 68

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