Сценарий: «The improvement of the early studying English language: problems and solutions»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

«The improvement of the early studying English language: problems and solutions» "Purpose: - to introduce English teachers to alternative teaching methods in Primary School - to elaborate of possible approaches to high-quality training of early learning of foreign language."Procedure Time Event 09.00 -09.30 Registration 09.30-09.45 The opening of the regional methodological seminar A.Yerdeneva, the methodologist of the “CMWaIT”, K. Kalguzhina, the deputy of the head ofDepartment of Education/assembly hall V. Chernyh, the chief of the sector of preschool and general secondary education/assembly hall 10.00-11.30 Section 1 «Developing Communication Skills in the Primary Classroom» T.Navarro,the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Astana / 208 Section 2 «Teaching English to Young Learners» A.Akisheva, the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Karaganda / 209 Section 3 «The features of teaching English language in 2013-2014» (on a basic of standards and regulating documents) D.Naimanova, senior teacher of the branch of JSC «National Centre of Excellence» Orleu» IAST in the region»/ reading room «Increase of educational process through ICT use at English lessons at elementary school» J. Melnikova,English teacher / reading room « Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception» D.Alibekova,English teacher / reading room 11.40-13.10 Section1 «Teaching English to Young Learners» A.Akisheva, the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Karaganda/209 Section 2 «The features of teaching English language in 2013-2014» (on a basic of standards and regulating documents) D.Naimanova, senior teacher of the branch of JSC «National Centre of Excellence» Orleu» IAST in the region»/ reading room «Increase of educational process through ICT use at English lessons at elementary school» J. Melnikova,English teacher/ reading room « Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception» D.Alibekova,English teacher/ reading room Section 3 «Developing Communication Skills in the Primary Classroom» T.Navarro,the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Astana/208 13.10-13.55 Break 14.00-15.30 Section1 «The features of teaching English language in 2013-2014» (on a basic of standards and regulating documents) D.Naimanova, senior teacher of the branch of JSC «National Centre of Excellence» Orleu» IAST in the region»/ reading room «Increase of educational process through ICT use at English lessons at elementary school» J. Melnikova,English teacher/ reading room « Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception» D.Alibekova,English teacher/ reading room Section 2 «Developing Communication Skills in the Primary Classroom» T.Navarro,the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Astana/208 Section 3 «Teaching English to Young Learners» A.Akisheva, the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Karaganda/209 15.35-16.00 Feedback – Outcome / assembly hall A.Yerdeneva, the methodologist of the “CMWaIT”, V. Chernyh, the chief of the sector of preschool and general secondary education

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